I think a nuanced opinion is possible.
I think that AI is a technological step forward with a lot of future applications that might be successful, but I also think it’s currently over-hyped and getting shoehorned into everything for dubious reasons.
I think it’s problematic how AI companies are enriching themselves with other people’s content, but I also have serious disagreements with Intellectual Property law, and half-agree with those companies on the free use of information. I’m more forgiving of training AIs for research purposes rather than immediately monetizing models trained on other people’s content, likewise I am more supportive of openly licensed models you can download over proprietary models like ChatGPT.
I think that AI generated writing and pictures are boring compared to the things human beings create, but I still find Generative AI software to be intriguing and have found entertainment in playing with various text and image models.
I find AI Evangelists and AI Luddites to be equally annoying, because neither has a rational opinion, usually because neither of these groups actually knows anything technical about AI. The former will tell you that AI is already experiencing basic consciousness, the latter will tell you that AI is merely a buzzword and AIs are nothing but stupid token-guessing machines - the truth is a moving target somewhere in between.
Yeah, but the disc drive is the first thing to break, and replacement parts don’t sell more consoles.
Now that the Console is overpriced to the extreme, modular parts are an added luxury.