Musician, mechanic, writer, dreamer, techy, green thumb, emigrant, BP2, ADHD, Father, weirdo


  • 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Important excerpt:

    “Introducing a scanning application on every mobile phone, with its associated infrastructure and management solutions, leads to an extensive and very complex system. Such a complex system grants access to a large number of mobile devices & the personal data thereon. The resulting situation is regarded by AIVD as too large a risk for our digital resilience. (…) Applying detection orders to providers of end-to-end encrypted communications entails too large a security risk for our digital resilience”.

  • There can be a lot of ways this has nothing at all to do with you.

    Begin anecdote: I just got back from two years out of the country and am back to visit family and earn more money for my next trip. I’m hugely depressed. I drained about $80k in savings that took me 15 years to build, have no job, no car, and am sleeping on a concrete floor in a family member’s basement. I’m grown with three adult children.

    My older cousin has three kids in their late twenties and early thirties. Two daughters live together and have game night every Tuesday. They adore me and invite me weekly. I’ve not had the stamina to endure a long activity like that, and I also am waiting for both sisters to be available, as one had been working nights, but has next Tuesday off.

    When I canceled this past Tuesday, the working sister told me the following day that her father and sister are angry with both of us – convinced I favor working sister more than the two of them. They assume (as is their dramatic nature) that anything that affects them was intentionally done with malice.

    I had a doctor’s appointment the day of game night that ran until 3pm, and game night was 70 miles away at 5pm.

    These two are sure that I’m slighting them, when in reality, I was home rocking on a cold floor trying to find the motivation to face the public so I could eat dinner. I never did eat. I woke to the revelation from working sister, and now, visiting game night seems 50 times more awkward and uncomfortable to me.

    If they hadn’t taken it personally that I’m a mess, I’d be scheduled for game night in two days. As it is, I’m almost 98% guaranteed to skip it to avoid that drama. My canceling had nothing to do with them. My depression and self-loathing are of my own making, and when people feel the need to pressure me or shame me, it never helps in any way.

    End anecdote.

    If you took it personally that people didn’t show to your party, I get it. I’m sorry. But it likely was not you, and isn’t indicative of the care these people have for you. Its their own thing. My advice is to laugh it off as a plan gone wrong and put it behind you. There are real things that affect us. We don’t need to invent them.

    “Remember that time I decided to celebrate my birthday for the first time in decades? I thought 50 would show, but it was 5? Guess that didn’t go as planned!” Its funny, if you let it be.

    Take the win: you stayed on-task and for a big shin-dig planned. You have 50 friends.

    Maybe you can keep gatherings small and simple for a while, and let the large gatherings happen more organically?

    I hope your week is a good one and you can smile about this soon. Happy birthday.

  • Kodi on my 2015 Nvidia Shield doesn’t stutter for me playing back 30GB+ 4k files on a 1Gb network from an ancient (2012) AMD Athlon TrueNAS box. It could be network related, but you can test this from another machine (laptop, desktop, etc) or by using local playback on the pi. I have cheap network hardware, and have never needed better. All this is to say Kodi mounting NFS shouldn’t need much bandwidth or high end gear. Perhaps the issue is on the playback side. Good luck!

    Edit: and an

  • I’ve been reluctant to use Timeshift (in rsync mode) because I’ve twice ended up hosed by it (quite possibly because of a fundamental misunderstanding).

    Doesn’t Timeshift create snapshot files that your system ends up living in, much like VMware?

    Case in point, I misconfigured the Timeshift backup location and wanted to correct it. I deleted snapshot files and went about pointing to the new location. But on reboot, all failed because the snapshot files were apparently live, and could no longer be found. I was dead in the water and had to reinstall. A few weeks later I tried again and ended up in the same situation where a snapshot location was removed and the system failed.

    Now I’m afraid to use it.

    I frequently read posts and other info like this that lead me to believe I just did something wrong and can benefit from using Timeshift, but I also don’t want to rely on running from snapshot files, and prefer my backup to live in snapshots, rather than my live system.

    I’m used to snapshots in TrueNAS and virtualization, so this should be an easy transition, but experience has taught me fear.