When we say dying, we mean dying as a useful and usable platform for us, the former reddit userbase. The Reddit Corporation is a different thing.
And the only way to save it is nuclear power?
Not sure where you got this from what’s written there
Given Ukraine’s near-total economic destruction since its proxy war against Russia erupted in February 2022…
The phrasing of this sentence is just one example of pro-Russia propaganda in an article filled with it. Of course the US spins messages and creates its own propaganda, every country does this. It’s important to be able to see through spin to evaluate facts, but blindly eating up the propaganda of other nations just because you don’t like the story the US is telling is not a great take.
This represents 0.0036% of the USAID budget…
What blatant corruption?
As an independent charity, we are not directly funded by the BBC License Fee. Our vital work relies on our donors - governments, foundations, corporations and individuals. Donate today to support our mission.
There doesn’t seem to be anything secretive or untoward happening here. What is he even alleging?
The YPG is a Kurdish militia in Syria who are libertarian socialists. They fought ISIS and Assad, and Erdogan hates them and has attacked them along the Turkish border. The US had given them consistent support until Trump abandoned them in his first term.
I don’t know who the bereted man is though.
You’ve gotten a lot of advice on here, but I don’t think I’ve seen this…are you able to “suck in your gut” if you try hard and it improves how it looks? If so, it might not even be visceral fat, but just poor muscle tone in your abdominal area. If this is it, then core strength exercises are the way to go. Practice sucking in that gut more and more until it becomes the default, and strengthen your abs and obliques.
You clearly haven’t read anything I said if you think that, given I just talked about how awful they are. I prefer to base my opinions on reality rather than making shit up, though. If they threatened someone, you’d have a simple question to answer. Instead you went for my character, so what does that say about you?
Costs compared to what? Loading up a ship on the Pacific coast and sending it around Indonesia and through the Suez canal and then unloading it in Europe and putting the cargo on trains there to the final destination?
This already exists and has demonstrated success, and does not pass through Russia or Iran. The Upper Corridor passed through Russia, but since the Ukraine invasion, much of it’s trade has moved to the Middle Corridor. Greece and Turkey don’t particularly like each other, but still have good trade relations and movement across their borders
Y’all recognize headlines like this are coming at a rapid pace on purpose, right? Trump says or does an outrageous thing that dominates the news cycle for a few days, he walks it back, and the media pays little attention to the actual things his administration is doing that are not being walked back. “Flood the zone” is a purposeful strategy.
Who did they threaten?
I didn’t say that at all. The entire system is awful and the Democratic leadership is awful. At the same time, the DNC counted every vote and there was a democratic primary in 2024.
The DNC did count primary votes. What evidence is there to the contrary? Are you talking about the superdelegate system that some argue kept Bernie from being the candidate in 2016 and that was subsequently eliminated? Yeah they still counted very vote in 2016 and Hillary had more. I didn’t like it either, but knew plenty people who were excited about her.
If you’re an employee, you should have filled out a W4 when you started your job to indicate your tax withholding. You are able to submit a new W4 at any time
I work alongside police occasionally, and they really don’t care about enforcing weed laws at all. The ones I’ve spoken to about it say the only time they charge people for possession is as an add-on charge when they’ve been arrested for something more serious. This is going to vary widely by police department, though