It would wake me up more than coffee that’s for sure
It would wake me up more than coffee that’s for sure
You mean an AI that literally generated text based on applying a mathematical function to input text doesn’t do reasoning for me? (/s)
I’m pretty certain every programmer alive knew this was coming as soon as we saw people trying to use it years ago.
It’s funny because I never get what I want out of AI. I’ve been thinking this whole time “am I just too dumb to ask the AI to do what I need?” Now I’m beginning to think “am I not dumb enough to find AI tools useful?”
We’re literally going to turn into a worse version of Russia aren’t we.
I had it for PS4, and it plays much more similar to Wilds than Rise, so I wanted to get back into the swing of things before Wilds.
Plus a steam sale
I had Flu A last week. I tell you what, the vaccine ain’t did shit. If I had to guess they didn’t get the timing perfect and it mutated beyond the vaccine protection.
It happens with the flu
I know this came out Sunday, but I can’t shake the thought of what happens if he destabilizes treasuries.
It’s like the episode of Rick & Morty where Rick shows the easiest way to destroy a government is changing a 1 to a 0.
That’s this.
And now we have the big problem.
Judge says halt the freeze. Trump says make me.
In a functioning country the president doesn’t get to say “make me.” But here we are
Or what?
Nuke Europe? That threat only works if you follow up on it once in a while.
look, im not a fan of Luigi. im a fan of justice. and i aint seen shit in that video where the CEO falls over
I think I need an FLIR camera now lol
The price is daunting at first, but once you see people’s army’s and start seeing your own minis improve, it becomes a real hobby and you make it work.
I’ve probably spent way more money on paint, brushes, and practice minis before I started on my armies.
It’s worth it IMO.
I do too. I’ve never met them, but come on. Playing tanks with grown ups. What’s not to love.
Paint your army, roll a bucket of dice, shout funny things. Play combat patrol, or just do a good ol beer hammer at a local brewery.
I was just able to get into Helldivers II on my PS5, so it’s either coming back, or it’s going to real shit
Look, idk about you, but if you haven’t played soldiers and tanks with a bunch of grown ass men, get yourself to a WH40k group and learn what cool is.
Hell I had the vaccines this year. I got the flu (Influenza A), and I became bed bound for four days with peak fever of 104.8.
Lmfao Trump WOULD lose his cool over this.
Amazing. Just amazing.
Ok great! Time to get me some presents.
Psh if I’m writing at that level I don’t need the performance yet. Thanks!
Damn what a shame. They were supposed to be on the face before they discovered that.
While we can hope for that, you gotta remember, the intelligence agencies are inherently pro-authoritarian, and anti-egalitarian (probably spelled wrong).
The USSR wasn’t the actual enemy for the last century. Communism was the enemy. The entire defense industry was built up to fight the idea of communism. It just helped that the USSR called themselves communists.
I don’t think for a second that any really meaningful classified information can be leaked without immediate consequences. And that is usually troop movements or locations.