• 6 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • You are not a buzzkill, I think. This skit had a couple of things going for it:

    1. Halloween can always use more “mascots” and this is one.
    2. I admit that I originally didn’t like this skit, but my brother-in-law did, and I like him, so after watching it I always think of him until eventually it became something I genuinely liked.
    3. I quote lines from this skit to my SO all the time, so it’s become kind of embedded into my life.
    4. SNL during this time wasn’t very funny to me. I think that since SNL sucked during this time, even moderately funny skits ended up exploding in popularity just because they weren’t the usual onslaught of comedians stumbling over their lines and ruining jokes. Weekend Update was pretty funny, though.

    So in short, my friend, it’s not really funny. It was a moment, and you may have missed it. But let me say this, I think you’re cool for kicking off Spooky season…

    … Almost as cool as DaViD ESS pUmKiNs!

  • Apple user here: Shortcuts.

    Being able to design lil applettes that take a click or two out of doing a task is a lifesaver.

    For instance, going into the clock app and setting a timer is at least a 9-step process (starting from unlocking your device). I made a shortcut to make it a 5-step process.

    When I’m trying to hold something in short term memory (especially during a conversation), it’s a struggle

  • So, I don’t have an answer, but I think the challenge you’ll face is that the oil you apply nearby will want to penetrate the wood and spread to the area that will be glued.

    You could try pre-treating the area where the glue will go with another absorbent coat (maybe even mineral spirits would work) and hope that the oil wont have any purchase to hold onto in that area. Once the mineral spirits evaporate, you’ll be able to apply your glue.

    That’s the best guess I’ve got. Best of luck!