• 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Yeah but the polls didn’t significantly falter, they’re still statistically tied with only a margin of error shift since the debate.

    This isn’t an organic moment of partisan reconsideration. It’s being pushed by the same folks who were already loudly and obnoxiously telling us about how they don’t like Joe and threatening to vote protest or skip voting because, shock of shocks, nobody primaried the sitting president and risk sowing division right before an election where the other candidate is Hitler’s inbred pet mango.

  • Horse Race reporting, it’s literally all the mainstream has to say people are concerned about because his performance actually holds up when you check the stats.

    But if you dare say that people are literally being manipulated into thinking he’s worse than he is you’re “not understanding the median voter’s struggles”

    We need to force the sale of news corporations to the journalists so this profit maxxing bothsidesifying shit can go the way of the dodo.

  • Yeah no you brought that shit on yourself.

    • First of all, trans women actually show lower T levels than cis women because they’re literally taking medicine that blocks its production, and yes, cis women do produce testosterone too, just not from testicles. So whatever nonse you think you’re able to clock trans women with, you’re probably accusing cis women and being a real douche about it too.

    • Second, dead naming is genuinely just a dick thing to do even outside the presence of the person in question, because you’re fundamentally saying that you care so little for someone that you’re not even going to respect their preferred form of being addressed, which like, why would ya go out of your way to be that asshole. You’re being that guy who insists on calling Tim Timothy all the time, why would you be doing that except to get under Tim’s skin? Stop being that guy and just call him Tim like a normal person who doesn’t need to have basic manners and zero effort good human behavior explained to them.

    • Third, so you’re admitting outright you broke community rules and are still thinking the post in question being removed is unfair? I’m not normally a fan of powermodding but bro that’s not an excuse to be mad that you faced consequences for breaking the rules in broad daylight.

  • They’re basically all children who never grew up. They’re nostalgic for when they were young and the world wasn’t as scary feeling, and decades of being told that those times weren’t the best for everyone have prompted them to backlash and double down. Trump is their messiah because he made them feel unjudged wanting to return to their childhood times of simplicity. Another reason why him dying of old age would really put a lot of these people well into the depressive mindset.

    I mockingly refer to this dynamic as them clinging to him having made them feel safe to say the N word, but having dealt with my own missing my childhood brought on by my mom hitting a very solid old people decline milestone, I’ve learned to be understanding if not sympathetic to what’s actually going on here.

    Of course over tens of millions of cult members there are other parts in each individual, undiagnosed narcissism being the biggest one, hence why they’re all so furious about the idea of their kids no contacting them over their beliefs. There’s also the despair factor of the opiate crisis and the abandonment of exurban and rural settlements by young folks.

    When these people see young folks getting horny for a highly developed high speed rail network, what they see is young people conspiring to not even have to come visit when passing through on a road trip anymore, and making city roads less accomodating to trucks and minivans in favor of pedestrianization just rubs salt in the wound by making them unable to go confront them for never calling anymore.

  • The Maga movement is definable as a High Control Organization, and Trump is the Prophet.

    If he dies one of two things could happen, either 1) a new “great leader” is able to consolidate the base and keep the movement going, or 2) nobody is able to recreate that charisma enough to reform the movement, and as a result the entire thing collapses in on itself.

    Trump suddenly dropping dead of old age would make the second very likely, he made a point of making the top echelons of the RNC dangerous to anyone who could make option one happen, because he sees anyone capable of that as a challenger to his authority. The king has no heir.

    I genuinely think Trump dying of old age would produce similar results to the Republican Party that the Deaths of JFK and RFK (not the brain worm one) had on the Democratic Party. The fact that his base of support is on the older side would probably add to the despair of the whole thing, being a reminder that their time is similarly short.

    I don’t think we’ll see very many of the cult snap out of the delusion, but we’d certainly see some have rather public breakdowns facing the absolute nothingness their devotion has wrought.

    At best, they got a high for a few moments and returned to the state of despair they had been previously chasing the high to escape, at worst, they’ve lost all their support system to the sheer disgust they’ve felt over the cultist’s indoctrination, leading to the wam bam combo of the despair in combination with inescapable loneliness, remember, a lot of these people are really just the “make the kids come back to thanksgiving again!” caucus.

    I don’t think we’ll see infighting or civil warring among the ranks of the Redcaps, what we’ll see is people who think that expressing grief makes you weak attempt to cope with what they’ll see as their messiah just dying unceremoniously from the same hand that’s reaching closer and closer for them every day, and before they got the rewards of vindication they had been promised by him.

  • 99% of what he’s doing is using his own past traumas as a tool to prevent similar traumas from happening to other children.

    If you can’t see your batman comforting a dying child in her last moments, you don’t have batman, you have the punisher in a funny hat.

    Stop commenting on the punisher in a funny hat and telling us you’re talking about the guy with the best track record in comics for rehabilitating rogue’s gallery members if not completely then to the point of finding a place in society where they can live their peace, save maybe for the flash, depends on how much of his rogue’s gallery by mass is currently evil speedsters.

  • President Harris and Vice President Jefferies

    Anything else means instant constitutional crisis, but at the same time, we’ll be able hear the explosions from space as right winger minds absorb that circumstance has brought about the first female president and also the first PoC President Vice President team.

    If Kamala was good at trolling she’d not nominate any white people to the cabinet so we can all enjoy fox pundits trying to find the magic combination of words that let them be mad about an all PoC cabinet without it being racist, but I’m pretty sure she’s at least going to keep Buttigieg on as Transit Czar since he’s been going at least hard enough to get HSR moving finally between LA and Vegas.

  • Yeah because when I think of the working class I think lunatics dressed like clowns arming chemical weapon dispersing explosives on the orders of a guy who caught a chemical burn induced skin condition and decided everyone was gonna die suffocating over it.

    Batman is a detective, a detective! 99% of what he does has nothing to do with fighting, you just don’t hate read the detective work because Batman going out of his way to find the murderer of some nobody with nobody to care enough to ask it be done doesn’t feed this bizarre obsession some folks have with making Batman the worst thing ever because he has money as a plot convenience to explain where all his insane tech comes from.

    Also, he does constantly do work addressing wealth inequality by backing community efforts to relieve the effects of poverty and by championing community leaders standing up to corruption. Why doesn’t it work? Because there’s a literal criminal conspiracy of the wealthiest of Gotham dating back centuries that most recent versions of Batman has been at war with since near the outset of his investigative career. Again, read any of the comic books published in the last like 20 years and this would all be entry level stuff.

    Also, Gotham’s gangs are not normal gangs, like I exampled above, but also consider the sheer level of advanced education or ability to outsmart most folks who have one Gotham’s criminal leaders have. Even Joker is heavily implied to have retained advanced chemical engineering training from before he went psycho.

    If the idea that even one rich person has genuinely good intentions and does genuine work addressing the causes of criminal activity at every level is that hard for people to grasp, maybe just put the comics down and find another topic because man are you all gonna struggle with basically everything else you’re gonna find in the genre.

  • More accurate to say that the initial success surge has calmed down to their core audience.

    That 10% or fewer depending on if it’s still shrinking will be the rock and stoners that keep this game running well into the future.

    You’ll probably see a similar spike then fall off then consolidation when The Forever Winter releases. That core community revenue is probably going to be what FunDog is planning on using for future projects and to cover the maintenance costs of TFW. I mean either that or they’ll power the servers by kidnapping the playerbase and harvesting their organs and bioelectricity but it was really their own fault for not being able to get out of sight before nightfall.