Excellent advice. I came to the same conclusions for Ritalin.
Excellent advice. I came to the same conclusions for Ritalin.
Stimulant medications can help with executive disfunction, and if that is something problematic in your life, having it go better can have ripple effects on the rest of your life, like for instance confidence levels, feelings of well being and happiness.
Anti depressants can help with mood fluctuations and anxiety.
Tranquilizers can help with panic attacks.
Depending on the country you’re from, a simple visit to a GP could yield some results, especially if your therapist is a registered psychologist and discusses a medication trial with your doctor.
As others have commented, there is no cure for the thing we call ADHD, and being medicated only helps with some things. You will still need to navigate the difficult parts of your life.
A change in mindset can have dramatic effects on anger issues and talking about sensitive issues. Learning how you work and communicating what you need (coping strategies) to your loved ones is important. If you haven’t already discussed coping strategies in therapy then I would go that route.
Personally, I identify with your struggles and although I don’t think I will ever resolve some of those difficulties, I have made good progress. When something sensitive comes up that I don’t want to talk about or if I feel anger, I say to my partner let’s revisit this topic later after I have had time to cool down and reason about it with logic instead of emotion. The time when the topic is revisited can be a few hours or the next day but not too long in the future.
Good luck friend.
It doesn’t look like the mod has had any activity for the last 5 months.
That’s called a bias.
If everyone is neurodivergent then there would not be a term neurotypical, go educate yourself. No two brains are the same but there are ranges that be be used to identify non typical patterns.
That’s disgusting
People here are at all different ages, maturity levels, and possibly have other issues like language barriers, all of which can contribute to a person being taken advantage of by typical advertising practices. If you don’t think this is an issue for you, that’s great, but that’s just like your opinion, man!
I will continue to keep the community clear of ways to extract money from the members.
The problem is with the original study. We don’t allow advertising or other ways that a person could extract money from our community. Some people are desperate for answers and it takes advantage of them. Sorry to be a pain!
Hi. You have broken the community rules by posting paywalled content. Since there was a lot of engagement I am giving you the opportunity to edit your post and copy the text here that is available and then remove the link.
This is still locked behind subscribing
Isn’t this what the Trump crowd tried to do when he lost the last election? Didn’t go so well.
You are nieve. Some sex workers enjoy their jobs.
It sounds like you are in a downward spiral. It’s time to pull yourself together and focus on self improvement. Forget about the relationship. Forget about drinking and drugs. If you can raise your self respect and confidence, you won’t fall for another person like this. Good luck!
Yup the same I had too
Being the devils advocate here but the quality of my teachers during school was worse than GPT4. They were more biased, made more errors, were more unfair, pushed more extremist views…
I think it could be as simple as party x claims they will do thing a, b, c and then after their term in power you assess if they achieved those things. The parties who make the claims will need to back up those claims with real milestones that would become performance indicators of partial or full success. The milestones must be easy to assess and leave no room for interpretation. Just like in a legal contract, if you make the wording too vague and hard to interpret, then your contract won’t be enforceable in court.
See my response above that takes this into consideration.
I guess the pandering people pleasing approaches would overly benefit from this design but it could be more realistic if you showed a percentage next to the answer of the likelihood that the party will follow through with the statement based on their previous claims and achievements. This would make the parties less willing to make false claims or go back on their promises once in power because it would reflect badly in the next election.
I’ve seen some front ends for Lemmy total it.