America First, by Dr Seuss (1941)
America First, by Dr Seuss (1941)
No, that’s Nick of Time, where Denzel Washington investigated a murder at the White House.
There’s a quote from a Heinlein book where he talks about how Communists can only exist in places where there are real, not imagined, ills that are not being addressed, and I feel like something similar applies for Trumpists. Their lives have gone wrong somehow, likely driven by forces beyond their control, and they’ve been promised easy answers by a vile con game. I don’t appreciate that they got hoodwinked, but I can understand how it happened.
Sing, sing, that thing can sing!
“______ Resigns Under Pressure From Trump”
Fuck you, make him work for it! Make him fire you, then sue for wrongful termination! Don’t just politely get out of the way so you can be replaced by some goon who will happily do the horrible thing you’re resigning in protest of!
Use every procedural tool in the box to gum up the works. Demand full debate on every motion. Demand full roll call votes on every vote. Democrats respecting norms and Republicans exploiting them is what got us here, so it’s time to turn that around on them. There should be no weird, underhanded, but technically permitted delay tactic that Democrats aren’t using until they get enough popular support behind them to actually do something meaningful.
My version of this would be to run a campaign on the basis of “You know Joe Manchin, and how he’s an absolute thorn in the side of the Democratic Party? Well, how about we elect a Republican version of him, who is technically a Republican but who is a goddamn pain in the ass for the Republican party! Vote for me, and I’ll live rent free in every Republican’s head and drive them absolutely fucking crazy!”
Step 1: Ban porn.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit
If 800,000 government workers go on strike just for starters, with who knows how many more in other fields striking in solidarity, there won’t be enough cops in the world to make them all to back to work.
You know what I miss? The Ultimate Alliance games from the PS2 era. Isometric view. Build a four-person team of Marvel characters. Some team combinations grant group buffs, like having all four members of the Fantastic Four will increase your XP gain. Equip your characters. Pick from an array of comic canon costumes, each with their own abilities. Some combinations of equipment or costumes will also grant bonuses like having everyone wear their Age of Apocalypse costume.
The whole thing is an action RPG where you play through some big comic book crisis. Lots of opportunity for villain and hero interaction. Cool cinematics.
It’s a rock-solid platform, but I don’t feel like I see it used nearly enough. I remember playing an Ultimate Alliance on 360 and it just wasn’t as good; smaller roster, fewer costumes, less interesting in general, despite the better graphics.
I vaguely recall hearing something about one on the Switch and that Midnight Sons was a bit similar… but then again I don’t recall hearing much else about those games except for their existence, so they can’t have done very well.
I only just learned about it today, myself. I work that day, but I might be able to shift things around.
I really wish that these protests were more widely shared in advance. I want to be involved, but only getting a couple of days advance warning makes it really hard. I know that sometimes you have to act fast, but if you want your movement to succeed then you’ve got to try to consider the real lives of all of the people who want to help, but are also really limited in their time. Plan protests on weekends, and if you’ve got to protest on a weekday, then plan it way ahead of time and give everyone a chance to plan to be there. I’m sure it looks better to have one big protest with 10X people there than ten protests with 1X people attending.
How does this hold up against a first amendment test?
I shall endeavor to be gracious in my victory.
This is the really real world!
Heroes of Might and Magic III, PC
The entirety of Holy Grail, for starters. My high school history teacher said that it was one of the most realistic depictions of life in the Middle Ages ever put on film.
After that…