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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Raising a kid, if that is what you mean by “raising a family” is a huge drain on anyone’s social battery.

    It’s not so much the interaction with the little bugger, although that gets to be a huge drain when they reach puberty, but for me the other associated interactions deplete my battery instantly: P.e. Being forced to be polite to kid’s friends parents, teachers, others that you normally would just ignore because, tbh, most are bigot dumb fucks. I’m really happy that I can delegate many of these chores to my partner, but their batteries are also not limitless.

    You should probably check out how far you can go on other irl social interactions before you start a family, and please don’t just do it because others seem to like having their own little happy thing, much of that haplyness is only outwards, and many just break apart catastrophically, which may often be the hardest on the kid involved.

  • I remember reading about Elite in a (paper) magazine, and I WANTED IT. Counted my pocket money. Drove my bike to a mainly photo related retailer (only one reachable for me, they also did PC games as a side job), and there it was, box art in the window! Went in, told em I wanted that, and - big disappointment - they had to order it. THEY HAD A DISPLAY OF THE BOX ART, BUT NO COPY OF THE REAL THING! I had to pay upfront, cash, and then had to ride the bike there, again, two times, within a fornight, cos there was no notification of arrival then. The joy, tension, reading through the manual, while it was installing… unbeatable. Spent most of my afternoons in game, doing my “homework”.

  • Interesting thought. I think most issues stem from bigot assholes who consume the produce but are not allowed to due to their background/upbringing/social “norms”. And those within their normative set not willing to provide, because of the same background/upbringing/social context.

    Also, w/o currency there will be other forms of compensation, like a certain amount of work time, or… (p.e.) a handful of apples… due for a certain set of services.

    Additionally there is always a percentage of plain idiots who would socially not be able to ascertain this kind of services w/o paying, and these seem to need to demonize the servicer to feel better about themselves.

    Sry if I busted this comment, brain is fried after work.