• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Don’t forget, there is a large and worldwide vested interest in maintaining online divisiveness.

    The internet has become our global hearth. The grand majority of humanity participate in the internet to communicate with each other for conversation, connectedness, and social expression.

    This is very bad for authoritarian regimes, whether they are currently in power or attempting to enter into power or attempting to expand their power.

    Should someone do something that is considered “bad”, information about that will spread around the world as fast as a lie ever could.

    To prevent that from hampering their schemes, the smart thing to do would be to poison the source. If you hate everyone on the internet because you have been effectively compromised by psychological poison, then you will not trust the people on the internet that you communicate with when they tell you something bad has happened.

    Therefore, the mote of power you could add to collective action is rendered ineffective.

    And, the interesting thing is they don’t have to fool everybody. They only have to fool enough of us that our own internal division prevents effective action.

    I never really believed in a devil growing up, but if I did believe in a devil now, I would definitely say that this is one of his activities.

  • Counterpoint:

    Thanks to streaming we don’t spend quite as much time thinking about the media we consume and the deeper meanings and subtext and generating internal fanfictions about what could possibly be coming up in the next episode a week from now.

    Streaming makes media easier to consume but fills it with culturally empty calories.

    The grand majority of conversation I see about a show is, “Have you seen _? No? You should totally watch _, it’s really good!” Or alternatively, “Yeah, it’s great isn’t it?”

    Since Netflix came out we’ve definitely taken one step down the ladder rung closer to Idiocracy ass movies.

  • Yeah. The good in humankind is the reason why we’re not currently rioting in the streets.

    The goodness is holding out hope that our innermost desires for what’s best for ourselves and for the future of humanity will win over the short term narrow-minded greed that is currently ruining everything.

    What did not good doesn’t know is that the good has already won, and if the not good does not concede defeat soon enough the good will strike with righteous and ignition and a fury that cannot be abated short of blood.

  • I’ve been thinking about building a similar system for my home.

    I live in a geodesic home and the main floor is almost always at a comfortable temperature but the basement floor is always cold.

    Thinking about purchasing some vent booster registers and wiring them in with some ducting in one of the walls to suck the cold air out of the basement and push it up into the main floor or possibly all the way up to the top floor.

    I checked AliExpress and there were some sellers there who had what I was looking for in the 40 to $80 range, but I imagine the main cost is going to be dropping 10 to 20 ft of ducting through the walls.

    I don’t think that one of them by itself will completely solve the problem but I feel like since it would be sucking the coldest air in the entire house and mixing it in with the hottest air in the entire house that it would at least help ameliorate the issues.

  • You have to watch an ad to crank your car.

    Every time you bring your car to a full stop while it is running, an ad plays through your audio system and displays on your radio.

    You have to watch an ad to make a phone call.

    When your phone rings, it plays an ad jingle, call JG Wentworth 877 cash now.

    When you send a text message or write a text post to an online system, an ad is injected with your text post so that readers in order to read what you wrote also have to read the ad.

    If you have Smart lights or anything smart in your home, in order to use it you have to watch an ad.

    In order to pay for something with a credit card you have to watch an ad on the credit card machine and click one of the choices that are offered to you.

    Smart pillows that play hypnotic ads at you in your sleep.

    Your electric toothbrush requires an ad to be played the whole time it is being used, and if you brush your teeth for less than the length of the ad, then they take a dollar from you.

    Some guy comes to your house and screams logos and add quotes at you all of the time. If you try to get him to shut up he murders you and your entire family.

    Replace the guy with a robot.

  • My problem with Pop OS is that on the two different machines I’ve installed it on it was very slow.

    One of them made sense because it was an older mini Lenovo box, but the second machine I installed it on was a 10th gen Intel core i7 laptop with a Nvidia 2060 and 32 gigs of RAM and a decent one terabyte nvme SSD, and there would still be a massive pause with every click, somewhere between half a second and a second before anything would respond, and when updating or launching Firefox or anything it would always spin for a while and then pop up the sign saying this app is taking too long to respond.

    Both of the devices were Lenovo devices, maybe there’s some sort of fundamental incompatibility or missing driver or something but I couldn’t cope with the lagginess of the OS.

    Fedora worked swimmingly on both of them, for comparison.

  • Next time you get your teeth cleaned at the dentist, which you should be doing every 6 months or so, ask them to give you a fluoride treatment. They literally just brush this minty sweet stuff onto your teeth and let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes.

    The fluoride will leech into your teeth and help reinforce any weak spots to decrease the likelihood of developing cavities.

    I mean, if you’re a conspiracy theorist then in theory it will calcify your third eye as well, but I have no way of verifying that claim, or even proving that the third eye exists other than the pineal gland in your brain, and I’ve never heard of anyone’s pineal gland being calcified.