• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • five minutes after meeting her, she went into a graphically detailed spiel about how her father sexually abused her as a child. and she was very upbeat, happy, and smiling as if it was a delightfully fond memory the entire time.

    I dont know what the end of the story is because by the time she got about, what i hope, was a quarter of the tway through, I had already been so completely creeped and skeezed out that I had developed a cold sweat, and I just got up from the table, said nope, and walked away.

    I was kinda fucked up for a short while afterwards.

  • Its always fun being ridiculed, mocked, and insulted by your family because you dare to point out the dangers of something obviously dangerous.

    And yet, when shit hits the fan… who do they come running to begging to fix it?

    Why, You, of course.

    because you must forever clean up the shit, but you can never prevent the shit.

    I’m not bitter or anything.

  • Those commercial displays are nothing but heavily stripped down TVs with anything unnecessary to being a advertising display removed. and maybe a tiny, grossly overpriced and heavily cut down computer built into it to run the slideshows/menus/whatever.

    also, TVs in a certain size range are generally cheap because manufacturing has gotten to the point that each mother can produce a ton of screens for it. and the reason that cheap range size has gone up over the years is because improvements in the printing technology and the size of the mother glass.

  • I’m ignoring your bloviating bullshit cause its already been refuted, despite it being a masquerade and irrelevant to the point of the topic at hand, all of which is nothing but an example of you desperately trying to distract from that topic.

    And that topic is mail carriers not having the right to choose what gets delivered and what doesn’t based on personal feels and opinions, and that doing such deserves to be punished to prevent others from doing the same.

    Something that, when you deign to acknowledge the topic at all, have argued against, because you agree with them, and you want to let government employees do whatever undermining, institutional destroying bad behaviors they want as long as you agree with it… Which is the core component of most right wing arguments “I agree with it there for its right and moral”

  • You are a concerntroll, sitting here wringing hands and clutching pearls while making the exact same style arguments that the fascists you claim to be so very much against make, and for the very same reasons.

    There is only one objective answer that protects the integrity of our institutions, and that is punishing the bad actors. By holding them accountable and removing them from their positions when they do wrong.

    Something that you, bizarrely, have taking significant umbrage with, because you don’t want bad actors (who are bad actors in the way you agree with) to be held accountable, to be punished. You want them to be free to continue to be bad actors. You want them to undermine our institutions (in ways you agree with) and to bring about their collapse. So you can replace them with something more easily weaponized against anyone that disagrees with or opposes you.

    And golly gee, that sounds awfully familiar, doesnt it?