I wasn’t aware that I’m somehow more privileged than Scottish people.
It could be true, but I was under the impression that privilege in the UK is more about your socioeconomic group than it is your physical location - except maybe London, London gets the best of everything, the fecks :-P
More like haha hating privileged people rule
Yes indeed, and it’s not like England has some history with Scotland or anything…
I wasn’t aware that I’m somehow more privileged than Scottish people.
It could be true, but I was under the impression that privilege in the UK is more about your socioeconomic group than it is your physical location - except maybe London, London gets the best of everything, the fecks :-P
You’ll sound *more authoritative on camera. Is that a privilege?
has your language been all but wiped out?
If you weren’t aware that you’re more privileged than the people your empire colonized that’s impressive
I dont know why some people hate privilaged people i dont hate or love them unless they are bad people dont care if they are privilaged or not
As long as they’re aware of their privilege and don’t abuse it, they’re fine.
The most privileged tend to be the least aware and the first to exploit it though.