better to shit in the sink than sink in the shit
better to shit in the sink than sink in the shit
i really wish this was taught with emphasis at schools, so many people think hostility is inherently the best strategy when almost universally the best thing for everyone is to just cooperate.
even in nature where one would be lead to expect extreme violence and selfishness to be the best strategy, we see that most animals most of the time just… get along… You even have predators and prey giving each other side eye at watering holes because everyone needs to drink and thus the optimal strategy is for water in dry areas to generally be a neutral zone.
Evolution tends to favour cooperation because it’s just obviously more efficient for two creatures to share resources rather than spend energy fighting over it. Why wrestle someone for an apple when you could instead spend the energy lifting them on your shoulders so they can reach the apples on a tree?
why is there an empty comment here?
i was born into it, molded by it
i mean, isn’t anal supposed to be good for the prostate and stuff?
hey shitass wanna see me speedrun?
maybe they’re just very supportive
same, by simply not driving and in fact avoiding sitting in a car as much as i can.
now now, it’s not necessarily malicious, it can just be extreme incompetence.
a story i’m reading has wizards who got locked up with magic-blocking collars and so they use their smarts (and ability to read) to become gym rats and thus absolutely fucking swole as hell, and i think this may be the single best kind of character possible.
you know you’re fucked when the muscle wizard puts away his wand and cracks his knuckles
would a blackletter tshirt saying “JEWISH LETTERS” be bad taste?
only every second? looks like literally every single reply is a scam to me!
i don’t hate, i have a book of grudges
yeah vegan nuggets are basically the best vegan meat replacement, and it fucking baffles me that they are at all expensive since it’s basically just pea/bean protein.
as if i wouldn’t continue eating this no matter how rich i was, only difference is that they’d be more ethically sourced and where possible vegan.
one part of my brain sees this and drools, another part of my brain knows how miserable it will be to poo after a day of eating only carbs and protein.
And this is why i feel you could make a tidy profit from selling chicken nuggets with ground up vegetables in them, like vitamin gummies except with food instead of candy. Meatballs are already basically this since they generally contain onion (at least in sweden).
fresh from the fridge, so you can shave it with your teeth and enjoy the shavings melting and for a moment feeling like chocolate pudding
it’s like reversing the scene where the kid drops woody, instead of “i don’t want to play with you anymore” it’s “you are my friend now”