so im a teen with not alot of money but i want to get into 3d printing, another community suggested the ender 3 original. it looks like a solid printer but who know im a noob after all. my budget is around 100$ or less. im looking into making mini figures and painting them or whatever nerdy thing i find. i know the budget is tight but im hoping there is something, also im debating on buying a used 3d printer because they seem cheaper.

also any tips for a noob would be great like what makes said model good or bad compared to other models and such.

    1 year ago

    I orginally bought an ender 3 and had had it for about a month before i returned it. Back when i bought it, in 2020 creality were swapping out parts, for cheaper alternatives some of which had defects like xt60 connectors for the psu. Which would catch on fire, i took that money and bought an i3 mega S from any cubic. It ran for about a year in a half until the 16pin cable burnt out and i decided to mod it. I switched the board for a duet wifi and the hotend for a hemeria and just recently upgraded to revo. The printer is rock solid and works well, the ender 3 is good if you want to tinker and learn about how a 3d printer works. But if you just want to make parts l, id suggest looking at other printers that are a little more expenisve, trust me you thank yourself.

    20220920_152932 It looks sketch but it works well