• Girru00@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    “There is no viable alternative to a car when it is 20 below and you have to drive 30 min to get to work.”

    Perhaps theres a solution buried in there. Organize society so were not burning our lifespan and the planet unecessarily commuting.

    "There is no viable alternative to a car when it is 20 below and you have to drive 30 min to get to work.

    Bus, train.

    “What we can stop doing is proposing no alternative

    Bus, train, walkable cities, remote work, increased automation and reduced labour reducing commute requirements, production near consumption to reduce freight, tackling international economic inequities so it isnt cheaper to make a widget accross the world at poverty wages and ship it to those who live on the other side to buy within the means of their poverty wages - purchasing low quality quickly broken widgets that need consistent replacement and therefore further freight for that consistent supply.