Reminds me of how everyone is now misusing the term “ROM” to mean “Storage” when it actually means “Read-Only Memory”. Drives me nuts every time I see it in advertising.
Back when all that existed for online voicecomms was ventrilo, i took one of those boom mics and taped it to one of the ear muffs of an analog headset meant for cd players, as I could not actually afford a mic+headset combo.
I see your slide projector and raise you an overhead projector.
I see your overhead projector and raise you a zip drive and a mini disc. I blow my NES cartridge to bid adieu to you.
I always thought zip drives were another term for flash drives because so many people just used the terms interchangably.
Reminds me of how everyone is now misusing the term “ROM” to mean “Storage” when it actually means “Read-Only Memory”. Drives me nuts every time I see it in advertising.
It’s funny to me that things like EEPROM are considered ROM. Like, ok, I can write to it? Read only, huh?
I bet a zip drive could blow their minds. The mini disc and nes cartridge wouldn’t even phase them. Stuff like that are too iconic.
Show the Blue Yeti streaming generation the old boom mics we had. The ones that looked like refueling probes.
It’s crazy how ubiquitous those were. Anyone with a mic for their PC had that exact mic.
Back when all that existed for online voicecomms was ventrilo, i took one of those boom mics and taped it to one of the ear muffs of an analog headset meant for cd players, as I could not actually afford a mic+headset combo.
Worked for years rofl.
They are still considered essential in German schools.
Germany still uses faxes, it’s not surprising at all.
Tho tbf they’re common in Italy too even in the better universities