Got the infamous nsfw form letter today. Did my usual long winded rant in response, and signed off with a hearty “fuck spez” lol.

I dunno, I’ve been trying to make it a slow retreat, setting things up to be as annoying as possible. But gods damn, the shitty little form letter just got under my skin.

Told the u/modcodeofconduct account that if they were going to take the sub over, to do it and stfu because my ass doesn’t get paid for this, so their orders and threats have no meaning

Still had to offer the person behind the account the usual willing ear if they needed to vent or whatever.

I mean, can you imagine having that job? Having to spam those form letters, catch blasts of shit in return, and all for a boss as deplorable as huffpig? I mean, yeah, you can quit, but the employees didn’t get much more warning about this crap than the 3rd party devs did. Takes time to find new employment. And it isn’t like reddit is HQd somewhere cheap to live, so unless they work remotely from a much lower cost of living place, it’s extra difficult to make that decision.

Anyway, I just needed a vent tbh. It isn’t like this kind of thing is new lol.

    1 year ago

    Can somebody explain to me why you don’t want to push the employee to push his boss? Like, I know it won’t go anywhere because hoff has his head hup his hass, but so often it becomes a proxy war anyway and people down below refuse to push back because they wanna lick the boot that the enemy hides behind. We’re not mad at anybody but spez, but if we can get people to quit supporting him, that’s just an unfortunate place to be in for that employee to be in, but they’re still representing and serving and acting on direction from that fucking wreck of a human hoffman.

    I see both sides of it. It’s like the guards that protect and serve the tyrant king. You let them hurt you or you motivate people to never serve the bastard again.

    The guard may not be an evil person like the tyrant king, BUT THEY’RE STILL DOING HIS BIDDING. Give the guard the option to step aside, and if they choose not to, then they, too, are a bad cop nazi, and need to be taken out. I hate it, and normally things aren’t actual dichotomies, but in this case, it’s 100% “us vs them”.

    Nobody does what spez does without help and compliance. Force the workers out and you starve the company.

    Am I wrong here? Am I off the mark? Is this just really old/conservative thinking? Has nobody read the art of war? I have sympathy for those without choice, but these admins are people too, and have brains and freedom of choice and they’re choosing to continue. Stop making excuses for people to be shitty in society.

    I’m sick and tired of people living in fear and cowardly going along with shit we all know is wrong. I’m absolutely sick of it.

    I know it would absolutely suck to be in that position, I would hate it, and probably eventually get fired or leave. But at least I’d know I did the best I could do. But you cant tell me nobody there saw any of this coming. Nobody spoke up? Nobody said, “spez you’re a fucking idiot and you’re going to ruin us all”? There’s got to be at least one person like this, as the leaked message came from somewhere. One person with a semblance of a spine.

    How much more will the 1% take from us before we realize how to stop it? Will it be too late? Will we ever realize it? How bad will it get?

    • Lvxferre@lemmy.mlM
      1 year ago

      Can somebody explain to me why you don’t want to push the employee to push his boss?

      Because even if you side with the customer (or rather, the merchandise), at most the boss will fire you and replace you with another drone. Reddit is still laying off people, and you need a paycheck to live. That’s how the economic system forces you into compliance.

        1 year ago

        Yeah, but one option perpetuates the problem by living on your knees and you acting out of complacent consent of the actions that LITERALLY YOU ARE DOING

        • Lvxferre@lemmy.mlM
          1 year ago

          [Please, note: what I’m going to say are my personal views, that should not be confused with the community views.]

          Let’s say that u/ModCodeOfConduct is a paid employee. And you are said employee. And that people have been pushing you to push your shitty pigboy boss.

          Keep in mind the following issues:

          • you likely live off your work in Reddit Inc.;
          • if you’re fired, you’ll likely need to find another job;
          • odds are that your newer boss will be as shitty and immoral as spez;
          • if your boss is actually a decent person, odds are that your new company will be crushed by one with a shitty and immoral boss, so here you go again, look for another job;
          • if you somehow have the conditions to start a new business yourself, then you’re the boss, and the points above now apply to you.

          What would you do? For most people the only viable choice is to comply. Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.

            1 year ago

            The problem is only a problem because the vast majority of normal people believe it’s helpless.

            If all workers, say, organized, grew a pair, became French suddenly, or just decided ‘fuck it’ and immediately started fighting for any little thing, workers would suddenly be in power, much like how tech was a couple years ago when there was a huge quitting spree.

            Scarcity, wether it be artificial or real, is the reason we’re all scared. And the reason we have artificial scarcity (in tech) right now is because there’s no coordination and scared or hungry people are willing to do that bidding for less and less.

            It’s the classic test of social cooperation. I think one of the Green brothers just talked about it in the past week or so somewhere? I can’t remember how it goes, so I’ll try to make it make sense:

            You have four people playing a game together. They have a sheet of paper and a pencil, the paper is not see through and until they reveal the paper, nobody can see what anybody else has written.
            The players can all write “trust” or “take” on their papers.
            After they decide what to write, all papers are revealed.
            Everybody starts at 0 points.
            If everybody writes trust, everybody gets 2 points.
            If two people write take, they each get 2 points and the two people that wrote trust get 0.
            If only one person writes take, they get 4 points and everybody else gets 0.
            If three people write take and one writes trust, the three people each get 1 point and the trust gets 0.

            So that’s really not at all how that goes i think, but you get the gist: if everybody stands up and doesn’t coward out and chooses to trust everybody, the net take home is literally double. But if the more people that greed, the less available.

            The gist is just that the system is only shitty because of selfish greed and fear and cowardice.

            I looked it up, i guess there’s a bunch of variants but the core game is called the dictator game?

            Which is a derivative of the “ultimatum game”?

            They’re all interesting and slightly different versions of the same game to see how shitty or good people are and what causes it. It’s all psychology and economics. Highly suggest reading the dictator game’s “variants” section, as it’s pretty fascinating.

            “Betrayal aversion” is a neat new term.

            • Lvxferre@lemmy.mlM
              1 year ago

              That’s the main reasoning behind Marxism. I don’t disagree with it (far from that!), but it works on a macro- scale, where a social class changes the socio-economic structure. Specific, individual cases - like a single paid employee - are better handled by Tragedy of the Commons*, where each individual agent (in this case, the employee) is looking for the best outcome for himself alone, and expect others to do the same.

              Even then, your point makes me rethink a bit on the morality of the person behind u/ModCodeOfConduct, as well as the idea of pressing that person to press their boss. You’ve made me change my mind - perhaps it would be indeed better to “encourage” the person to tell spez to fuck off.

              *since you like those economics “games”, you’ll probably aware of the Tragedy of the Commons, and the closely related Prisoner’s Dilemma.

              Highly suggest reading the dictator game’s “variants” section, as it’s pretty fascinating.

              I’m a sucker for this sort of stuff, so thanks for the rec!

    • Aninjanameddaryll@sopuli.xyzOP
      1 year ago

      It would be nice if employees would revolt as well. But I’m not ever going to push someone to risk their ability to support themselves when what’s going on is legal. This isn’t a government entity. It absolutely, 100% is not the same as nazis. That’s so hyperbolic as to be absurdist. The scale just isn’t remotely the same.

      Besides, ranting at whatever admin desk jockey gets the shitty task of processing these copy/paste memos and dealing with the responses isn’t going to convince them of anything. Neither will rational arguments. They’re doing a shitty job, and either agree with him (meaning nothing we say has a point to begin with), or disagree and are having to face dissonance while trying to make a living.

      The ones that disagree, if they’re handling this stuff, they feel like shit. I’ve been there, doing a job that I know isn’t right because of the way the company insists it be done (I worked in nursing homes at one point). That shit eats you up inside. They need, and deserve, a bit of kindness.

      That’s what people forget online. That’s the ugly side of the internet in general, and reddit in particular. It it so hard to remember the human. Huffpig has decided to stop pretending he ever did, but that doesn’t mean we have to act like him.

      I’m not even a nice person tbh. I’m old, I’m grumpy, and I have very little tolerance for stupidity. But I try to be better. And if we don’t all at least try, we are collectively fucked. Empathy is the key to doing better. Compassion is part of empathy.

      Besides, if that admin was to ever, ever consider their role in this, don’t you think it would be kindness that would make them practice empathy and compassion? Kindness is just as contagious as cruelty.