I was a non functioning alcoholic and ran with some rough types in my late teens/early 20s and have both kicked ass and had my ass kicked. Mostly drunken barfights.

One time someone legitimately mistook me for someone else and started cussing at me, so I started cussing back and pushed him to the ground. He got up and did a really neat move actually where he faked a kick and then socked me right in the cheek, knocked me on my ass. I apologized, got up, we figured out the misunderstanding and he bought me a beer.

  • ThatWeirdGuy1001@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I got socked trying to break up a 5 man brawl at a steak n shake.

    Pulled a guy off another guy and he turned around and punched me in the eye. That was right before someone threw a chair through one of the windows.

    Everyone just kinda stopped after that and the dude that punched me apologized.

    That was kind of the end of the whole ordeal as everyone just kinda left real quick.