Here is the reverse side:

For the long and short of what this is. I make 3D Printable e-reader cases that are held together by stitching cloth or leather. Up to now the cover had the magnet as a part of the design, but with no way to upgrade or change it out. This is my solution for that.

With 8 screws and a tight fit, the cover can be swapped out when you upgrade or change out your e-reader. That way you can keep the case itself and just upgrade the components you need when you need it.

Still testing it, but very happy with how it turned out.

    4 months ago

    Very nice!

    I was wondering if that’d be possible but was never brave enough to attempt it. I do have another fun intersectional application though: custom stamps. Not nearly as long lived as brass/ metal, but way cheaper especially for low volume, plus you can embed magnets so they stick to an arbor press. (Just remember to hit the top with a quick sanding to knock off any extension artifacts)