So i have autsim and dyslexia, also depression and i just feel like a loser who cant do anyhting im trying not to think that way but its hard. i also spend most of my time indoor becasue i dont like going outdoors plus its hot out there.

Ive been wanting to make games or something like that but i litteraly cant code or understand it and ive been reserching game dev for mouths, i also feel like im very limited, like for example my pc is low end or tha tim too scared to drive and idk how to. I just want to do somet hign creative that i can show with others wihtout having to go outside. im kinda nerd but not a very smart one, so theres that.

why must life be soo hard and sad?

    1 year ago

    Something like drawing or digital painting might appeal to you. Neither require a powerful computer (or even a computer at all if you use physical materials) and are inexpensive to get into.

    Another thing I personally like doing is baking! Gives my mind something to do and I get tasty treats at the end that I can have myself or share.

    1 year ago

    I would try turning learning into a hobby. Think of all the subjects you want to know about, find people on YouTube who knows about them, and subscribe to them. If you want to know about game design, subscribe to game development and coding channels. There are passionate people covering every topic you can imagine trying to share their love for the subject, if you can find them. The more you learn, the easier it will be, and the more motivated you will be to try things.

    1 year ago

    Oh god the driving thing was the Bane of my existence for YEARS. I basically made myself a desensitization program so I could learn to drive. Everyday I would sit behind the wheel with the car off until that wasn’t scary. (Took about a week.)Then the next step would be turning the car on (another fews days.) Next was putting it in gear but not going anywhere. Then pulling forward and backwards etc… until I could go out on the roads and get my learners.

    This whole process took over a month. If I freaked out I had to go back to the previous step. I based all this off of animal desensitization programs becuase I am Autistic AF. Sorry for the wall of text but I wanted to give you some advice and hope for the future!

    1 year ago

    Hey there, sorry to hear you’re struggling.

    I was kind of toying around with some of the same interests before I went back to school. Have you thought about web design/development?

    It’s easy to get started, and there is near limitless freedom in your ability to create things both from a visual, and front design perspective and a also ton of different programming languages for building apps. You can go full stack and do a bit of everything, or specialize in just about anything (seriously - design/ux, frontend development, backend development, devops, databases, digital maps, digital signage, salesforce, analytics, etc etc).

    At the very least, it might act as a gateway to upping your programming skills. Once you get more experienced if you find game development is still something you want to pursue, there is no shortage of javascript-based game engines 🤓

    I’ve been doing web development for the past 7 years and I’m still getting my mind blown and learning new things every day. I love it.

    Whatever it is you choose to pursue, don’t give up! Keep taking small steps, building small projects, and learning new things. It may not feel like you’re getting everywhere but it’s so satisfying once you start to feel the pieces come together.

    You’ve got this.

    1 year ago

    No way, I just saw this morning that Harvard has a free online course in game development, and it’s available now. You should take a look and see if it interests you :)! You can do it from home.

    By the way, I also suffer from depression and I know how hard it is. I hope in the dark times you can find some compassion for yourself. I know for me, making it through the day sometimes is an accomplishment in and of itself. Try to see if you can practice not calling yourself a loser even when you feel like it. You are not a loser, you may be struggling right now, but if you saw a friend going through what you’re going through, would you call them a loser? Probably not. I try to replace those thoughts with “today, I’m not feeling like I’m where I want to be, but I’m doing the best I can, and that’s enough.”

    Anyway, wishing you well and I hope you can find some peace.

    1 year ago

    You got dealt a bad hand. I can commiserate. One thing I’ve learned about that is to stop blaming myself for everything. It’s not your fault that you struggle with your issues. Try to love yourself as much as possible. Negative thoughts lead to more negative thoughts and eventually to depression.

    As for making a game, I think I have a good starting point for you. Take a look at Gameboy Studio. You can make playable games without knowing how to code.