The United States on Friday carried out a series of military strikes against Iran-backed militants in half a dozen sites in Iraq and Syria, according to a U.S. Defense Department official, marking a sharp escalation of the war in the Middle East that the Biden administration has for four months sought to avoid.

President Biden had promised to respond to a drone attack in Jordan on Sunday that killed three American soldiers and injured at least 40 more service members. The military action sought to send a message to Iran and the militias it backs that continued attacks on U.S. troops in the region and international ships in the Red Sea will draw a response.

Edit: d’oh

    9 个月前

    So does this mean that the US is just ignoring the pretense that these groups are separate entities now?

    Are they going to start attacking Hezbollah?

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      9 个月前

      They really aren’t though. They all share virtually the same ideology. Someone link that sketch with the two people and their highly specific religions, was it Kids in the Hall?

      Hamas and ISIS for example have nearly identical ideology and members who belong to both groups, despite their patrons and leadership being formally at war. Houthism, Hamas, Hezbollah, Mujahedeen, Islamic Jihad, are all Shia Islamists, rooted in pan-Islamism, all militant, all fund or are funded by various terror sponsors, all have endorsed suicide bombings, all have endorsed targeting of civilians, all have endorsed the use human shields i.e. martyrdom, all endorse rule in all things public and private by religious law, they have different ideas only about who should lead: the Caliphate or the Iranian Imamate, or their own states, respectively.

      They will never have their own countries. Bet. Too poor. Too gullible. Too well isolated. It would be treason for any American president not to abolish the Houthi’s offensive capabilities, trying to disrupt western economies and kill civilians to lick Iran’s boot.

      It is absolutely bizarre to see Americans or people in EU countries supporting literal terrorists, but I guess that’s the price of free speech.

      Everyone of these groups had or has a policy of utter disregard for human rights and endorse the indiscriminate targeting of civilians. If they want to live in increasingly small and irrelevant portions of sand that nobody cares about, that’s great, let the people elect whatever religious zealots they want and bother nobody. The Houthis and Hamas are extremely popular terrorist organizations. If they want to live like it’s the year 1,200, fine, keep it at home though, stay in the mountains, stay in the dunes, go to work and school and church and then go home. When they fuck around and start dabbling in international terrorism, crossing borders or attacking civilian vessels and airliners, coffee shops and concerts, that’s not being very good community members now is it?

      And it gives rise to an obvious and natural right of self defense doesn’t it?. Hence, why Biden does not need Congressional authorization to start lighting up these extremely motivated and highly gullible fools, to strongly discourage or end such offensive machinations and capabilities. Sorry for soapboxing on your post.

    9 个月前

    Biden is killing Palestinians.

    Biden is killing Iraqui’s.

    Biden is killing Yemeni.

    Biden is killing Syrians.

    Biden is killing Jordanians.

    All ordered by him in the past 6 months.

    The only thing he had going for him was withdrawal from Iraq and Afganistan, and he just ensnared America in military conflict with half of the world. Instead of withdrawing and finding a diplomatic approach.

    Really winning strategy when courting Democrats/Liberals. /s