Utah became the latest state to regulate bathroom access for transgender people after Republican Gov. Spencer Cox signed a law Tuesday that requires people to use bathrooms and locker rooms in public schools and government-owned buildings that match their sex assigned at birth.

Under the legislation, transgender people can defend themselves against complaints by proving they had gender-affirming surgery and changed the sex on their birth certificate. Opponents noted not all states allow people to change their birth certificates and that many trans people don’t want to have surgery.

The legislation also requires schools to create “privacy plans” for trans students and others who may not be comfortable using group bathrooms, for instance by allowing them to use a faculty bathroom — something opponents say may “out” transgender children.

  • chuckleslord@lemmy.world
    9 months ago
    1. Assigned sex and genitals aren’t synonymous. Intersex is a thing. Also Güevedoces, the young “girls” (according to this genital-at-birth definition) in the Dominican Republic who go through male puberty, cause they’re actually male genetically speaking

    2. Creeps aren’t stopped by these laws, you twat, it’s only about making being trans more obvious and more derided (see, a trans woman now needing to use the men’s restroom and a trans man now needing to use the women’s (which is likely to cause panic))

    3. Trans people aren’t fucking creeps, they’re just people. Why is that so hard to understand?

    4. Instead of listening to only right-wing weirdos, listen to the communities that are affected by your malicious actions. You might find some empathy rather than just more misplaced anger

    5. Most importantly, the “reason” for this legislation, men pretending to be women to gain access to the women’s restroom, isn’t a thing. It’s a hypothetical and always has been. Meanwhile, real people are actually harmed by Legislation like this, not just thought people in your thought world