Fuck ICE. pieces of shit
Fuck ICE. pieces of shit
… lemmy has misinformation, just like everywhere else. Especially saw it in the lead up to the US Elections
Most people already have and filling would only get them their refunds. Unless you mean 2025 taxes
Yes, because they receive more targeted propaganda than us. Either in their churches or on their news.
“Well, you saved us from the fascists, but it is illegal for you to be a furry and the penalty is death”
“But that was one of the laws the fascists made! Why the fuck would you honor that?”
“They take the low-road and we take the high-road. If you only ever remove legislation the other side enacts, you’ll never get anything done, ya know?”
I mean, didn’t he famously steal the idea?
Thanks for clarifying
Poe’s law, ffs. Is this sarcasm? Then use the label
You got a problem with trans people? No? Then it wasn’t talking about you. Christ, is that hard to understand?
When a group of people makes an “us vs them” against a minority, it forces the minority to use that language back. As a cishet person, your identity is being used as a weapon to harm trans people regardless if you’re doing anything. Ignorance of the minorities plight can be weaponized to do more harm and that ignorance can be shielded through appeals to normalcy and tradition.
When you respond to that language with “not all cishet people” you signal that your support is contingent on you not losing anything (your ignorance is one of the things you can lose). Which can and will be used to weaponize more harm against the minority group.
The word of one scientist does not consensus make. No matter how renowned. Remember, making targets seem impossible is a tactic to keep going as we are since there’s “no point in even trying”.
As Jon Stewart said “it has been done within the confines of our legal system, therefore it’s not fascist”
Cassandra, cursed by Apollo to have the gift of prophecy but to never be believed.
They lost because they sucked up to corporate interests and dropped any hardball angles. Plus, they didn’t have a primary, because they wanted to have Biden run again cause he’d won last time. It was a piss-poor and frankly tone-deaf campaign. As Andrew Jackson proved, running against someone else isn’t enough. You have to have an actual plan and vision to help people.
He’s using it to diminish DEI and to dehumanize those with mental disabilities. I fucking wish I was joking
Bad design
This is time number two. There will be a three
The issue I have is there is no surpassing to happen here. We’ve platued on possible AI milestones, so the only new move will be the next big thing… which is impossible to predict when it’ll happen.
It’s okay to be wrong. Private orgs can’t and shouldn’t replace government services.
To be fair, Germany has laws to get rid of the AfD and needs to enforce them. Just like the US and Trump, failure to enforce would leave no one to blame but themselves.