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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • Climate change effects are compounding, as polar caps melt they release trapped methane which is more effective greenhouse gas than CO2.

    As temperatures heat up, people just gonna turn up HVAC more, more energy usage, which means we either get green real quick, or this feedback loop will continue until we break.

    But all this is known. We’re all gonna be scrambling when we reach that point, spouting “We didn’t listen” like that episode of South Park about this very issue.

    Meh, im sure the rich fucks have contingencies for themselves, so it’s all good.

  • Ain’t that the truth.

    Id never worked harder than when I was working retail as a HS student. And the worst part is interacting with assholes who thought you were beneath them, which I think it’s what this meme underlines.

    was lucky to be well off to get an education which provided a way to land a cushy SW job. Mentally stressful at times sure, but I didn’t have to take shit from somebody and worry if I could afford my next meal. And I see the same ego on the other side here, where people sneer or condescend towards min wage workers.

    So many things we take for granted are just down to luck, or lack thereof.

    Now I don’t know how it would feel to be wealthy. Where money ceases to be something you need to think about on a day to day basis, but I think that’s when it just becomes a status symbol, and you have to make more only because the Jones bought their 4th yacht, so of course you can’t be seen with less than that! It never ends, and that’s why I think rich-ass capitalists can never have enough, because in their mind the competition never ends and no amount is ever enough.

  • see, this rationality is the crux of the issue. Our systems should be robust enough it shouldn’t have to rely on the “right corporations” being the driver, just as we shouldn’t rely on charity from the wealthy to help the poor. The system should have checks and balances to assert that you should be a victim of your success (something like a severe drag coefficient) to balance capitalistic tendencies to always have line go up if its a detriment to the markets they participate in.

    The system in most cases are the governments and worker unions which should counterbalance, but late stage capitalism has co-opted the former via lobbying to use globalism to weaken the latter, and those poor countries which haven’t the educated population and corrupt government to develop their union base are never going to because civil disobedience organization nowadays is super transparent, so they can be easily squashed.

    I agree it is a question of incentives. But the status quo has made it so that the people capable of changing the incentives themselves have no incentive to do so.

  • Depends on your issues. If its something esoteric and/or too high level to be useful, yea it sucks. If its issues that are easily reproducible but you can’t address it immediately, adding it to the backlog and having that context in jira really helps. That’s all predicated on the story reporter providing steps to reproduce and good context. But there are some things I would consider it adds which are less than useful, like story points, where its almost bait how it starts a conversations with PMs who don’t know how to ask the right questions over why is it too high or low…