It doesn’t bother me one bit of you know my search history. You’ll learn I search a word to see if I know your to spell it properly and that I DIY a lot of stuff lol
It doesn’t bother me one bit of you know my search history. You’ll learn I search a word to see if I know your to spell it properly and that I DIY a lot of stuff lol
No, this is Patrick
Better question, do you want the least educated among us teaching what’s not currently in taught in school? Cause that’s what you’re advocating.
Now it’s obviously not all parents, but the point still stands. The better educated parents are already doing something to teach their kids what’s not in the curriculum, but even amongst them it’s still a small percentage.
Including things like basic taxation and financial education, the voting system, stuff like that. Make it mandatory to go through, if not actually have a passing grade.
Pretty much when I bought my house it’s been mostly grown-up feeling since then. Interest rates, insurance rates, and debt-service ratios are always in the back of my mind now.
Once I pay off my vehicle debt I’ll be able to bankroll a better house outside of town with some land. Assuming shit doesn’t go pear shaped in the next 3-4 years…
Also, playing the “should I dump my bonuses into my RRSP or pay down debt” game… never had medium or longer term goals before.
By time you reach the carpeted walls it’s actually slightly jarring for there to be such an unexpected change like that. I’m pretty sure the black room was carpet as well, but it could also just be pixelation, I’m not 100% sure.
Didn’t notice the other odds though, was too horrified by the walls and ceilings … and then after the carpet, the garage… my goodness.
Dempster’s bagels have visibly shrunk in the most obvious way, the hole is bigger and the bagel is skinnier. Not even just a little bit either…
This made me think of the game, of which I have lost, and will follow the rule this time.
You rang?
It puts the homemade chilimac into the waffle iron
Add a little liquid soap for nonporous surfaces like counters and stove tops, great grease and stuck-on fighter especially if combined with a scrubber. Damp cloth to wipe up after and you’re shiny.
I preemptively apologized for this a few weeks ago, but didn’t call it being the West’s fault. As stated before though, the states around and further south of Ontario and Quebec should brace themselves. It was a warm winter with nowhere near the proper amount of snow, so I expect a dry AF summer for us.
Not even bothering to get a fire permit this year, didn’t get to use it last year.
I got a 3M half mask with bayonet connectors, I’m good for round two!
Welcome to Costco, I love you!
Imagine they went with something Conservative Ultra Managers or something else even more insane…
Definitely not upset lol
I promise
Have they fixed enterprise sso yet?
I have an elitebook g6 running Linux just fine, I’m sure yours can too!