ThiefOfNames she/her


  • 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2024


  • Its certainly harder to explain over text since we can’t hear your tone. Do you put in a lot of effort when you speak ? Does talking come naturally, or do you spend a lot of energy trying to be polite ?

    well if I had said that I’d mean it manipulatively

    Without knowing exactly what you said its hard to know if this reflects more on your friend than you. Apologizing should be fine, so the issue is either how you apologized or your friend. Also a two day argument is a long argument. Who kept it going? Who would bring it up first?

    Edit: I see in one comment that you are autistic. Have you talked to your friends and family about what this means in a conversation ? At some point its on them, honestly.

  • One possibility is that it’s how you phrase things? Everything seems fine here but people tend to write and speak differently, so just throwing out a possibility here.

    I used to say essentially “not my fault” a lot as a kid (it was a kind of deflection that I resorted to instead of actually dealing with stuff), and my mom called me out on it once, which caused a huge shift in how i thought about communication from then on. See, sometimes it was my fault, and other times it wasn’t, but that doesn’t really matter a lot in a conversation, so I started kinda taking a mental step back to consider what I was about to say would actually accomplish in the conversation, or how it might be perceived by others, and it became clear to me that I had some other bad conversational habits as well that escalated situations when they didn’t need to.

    It might not be easy to detect all of them at once, but just getting into the mindset of thinking about this stuff might help. Hopefully this technique isn’t why I’m anxious these days :P

    Edit: Also some subjects are sore as you experienced with your unemployed friend, so having this habit of taking a step back might have helped with realizing that in advance. It’s not always doable of course, you can’t know everything.

  • Voting downballot but making no choice for president sends a very clear signal.

    After the election maybe? That seems rather late to me. Direct action and building up third party alternatives seems to be the best long term courses of action. If I were american I would work towards unionizing as many people as possible, report that I won’t vote democrat, and then vote democrat unless a third party has a chance of winning in my state.

    I disagree on principle. Voting for a lesser evil is still voting to perpetuate evil. At best, it maintains an intolerable status quo, and it comes from a fear of the radical change that we know is sorely needed. “Lesser evilism” is conservatism.

    I disagree. Voting is currently not a means of meaningful change in the US (at least for the left), which is why I refer to it as damage control. You are correct however if all people do politically is vote.

  • Vegetarian with ADHD (among other things) here! I started the same way many years ago, by cutting out red meat and pork, and then reducing meat consumption until I realized I had been eating like a vegetarian for a week and then committing.

    For me it was about what was and wasn’t doable. I struggle with motivation a lot, and bothering to cook a proper meal everyday or sit down and do proper research into what constitutes a healthy diet isn’t something I can just make myself do.

    Honestly if this is about CO2 emissions, which it originally was for me, then cutting meat by 90% or whatever is almost as good as going vegetarian and will be way easier in terms of nutrition.

  • I’ve seen people debate this endlessly, but I’ve never seen anyone on the side of not voting explain anything beyond “I don’t want to support genocide” as if the republicans aren’t just as gung ho about killing children. What is the utility in not participating in the election? What do you think not voting will achieve?

    You aren’t sending a signal and you certainly aren’t making the democrats commit less genocide.

    Voting democrat is the lesser evil and will have actual positive results for people living in the US, and it isn’t mutually exclusive with other ways of enacting change.

    Edit: My comment seems a bit aggressive in hindsight :S sorry about that

  • Your issue is you have two boxes, female and male, when intersex conditions are the result of sex being a spectrum. Intersex conditions can happen in a multitude of ways, and many are not very outwardly detectable.

    Masulinization and feminization is a complicated and messy process which results in people with sexual characteristics outside the binary, and sometimes this means that people are born infertile or less fertile, which invalidates your point. Biologically it’s asinine to say that bio sex is binary.

    You say if someone belongs to the sex which can have babies then they are biologically women. How do you define if someone belongs to the sex which can have babies? Your definition doesn’t describe this, you just arbitrarily put someone into the woman box.