• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • Maybe you should stop being an ass and consider that when the product/brand has worked for MANY people, maybe the issue is you

    Hmm. You’re right. It’s me with my exotic hardware and configurations, not the drivers that many other people outside of /r/linux routinely complain about. My bad. Different AMD drivers breaking some things and fixing others (while never being fully functional) is because of me. The drivers are literally perfect, and have been for years.

    Lol. Delusion is just not a river in egypt. Keep fanboying, gonna block you now.

  • Nah. Nothing weird or wrong about my setup.

    Everything worked fine with my Nvidia 660ti. When I switched to an RX 580, I had issues with refresh rates and Freesync (that I can remember, it’s been awhile and I don’t care to keep all this recorded.) Some versions of drivers would fix issues but cause others. Some versions required certain configurations to fix issues but cause others. It was a mess.

    Switched back to the 660ti, no issues. Bought a used 1070, no issues.

    Haven’t gone back to AMD since that horrendous experience, but maybe they’ve improved.

    I think it’s sad how few people here are willing to acknowledge that AMD’s drivers may not have been adequate for most users even if they worked for them. I bought AMD listening to ya’ll, and was horribly disappointed.

    I guess that’s part of why theory is no substitute for experience.

  • I bought an AMD GPU before and the experience was so horrible that it’s deterred me from ever buying one again.

    I never knew how good I had it with Nvidia until I tried AMD. The main issue? Drivers. AMDs drivers were abysmally shit. I never had to ‘choose’ specific versions of Nvidia drivers to get them to work. I did with AMD, and some features would work while others would break depending on the version.

    Ended up returning it because it was that bad.

  • I believe, wholeheartedly, that governments pay people to astroturf reddit.

    They’ve gotten it down to a science at this point. Something I always notice now is people arguing against arguments that don’t exist. They’ll be like “I can’t believe people are saying x” when nobody is actually saying x.

    It’s that kind of manufactured outrage, the kind that makes people feel like they’re missing out, that causes them to pretend to understand what’s going on in order to fit in.

    It’s sad and disgusting, but I don’t even bother with reddit anymore. It’s too obvious that everyone there is either a shill or an idiot.

    Lemmy appears to have gotten all the high-quality posters that reddit used to be good for.

  • I dunno. This just seems like one of those stupid talking points that sounds clever on the surface but when you actually think about it, it’s dumb as hell.

    Like, are you really stupid enough to believe Hamas would sabotage any legitimate chance of getting Jews out of Israel because they prefer Gazans to be oppressed? Nah. They’d rather be in control of Israel.

    Unfortunately, the snowball effect has already taken hold, so those who can’t think for themselves will just parrot what you’re saying without second thought in order to fit in.