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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • You’re right that the theory is not about God, but explains the origins of the universe.

    How so? I don’t see what you mean here, it doesn’t explain anything, it just builds a level of assumptions on top of something, basically explaining something with an untested hypothesis.

    what I said about God is what I think is a logical conclusion.

    If you Agree to the premises I guess, but I don’t, so it explains nothing.

    If something has a beginning, then it must have been kickstarted somehow.

    Then who kickstarted god? Or does he/she/it for some reason get special treatment here? (This is special pleading)

    What kickstarted it is by definition its creator.

    If I kick a stone down a hill I did not create the stone even though I set it in motion.

    And this applies to our universe, in my opinion.

    Hmm, I don’t see how you evade an infinite regression here, unless you break your own rules and give one link in the chain an “eternal always existing” modifier. We don’t know that anything eternal exist, or even that our universe isn’t eternal (extisting eternally as a singularity before spreading or a part of a bigger multiverse that we cannot perceive)

    It is merely a statement that they must exist.

    It is just assuming that something must exist, since you’re building your logic on very shaky premises that we cannot prove.

    An effect must have a cause.

    Must it? Or have we just never seen the contrary (black swan fallacy) Who caused god? like I said before you can’t get away from that without special pleading.

    I apologize for sounding pretentious earlier, that was not my intention, but I can see how it came off as such. And apologize for misunderstanding your intentions as well.

    Water under the bridge :) No worries :)

    Also I notice you have some downvotes. Just want to clarify that it is not me.

    No worries, I don’t care about the votes, interactions are worth way more than someone clicking an arrow :)

  • So they are not excrypting it, but do we agree that with signatures the author uses their private key + the clear message to generate “something”?

    Yeah sure, and I think the person you are arguing with is saying as much as well, it’s just that this is not encrypting it, when you encrypt something you obfuscate it in a way that is possible to deobfuscate, think the caesar cipher as a simple encryption, a hash/signature on the other hand is something that is generated from the clear text using your private key, which is not possible to decrypt, think very simplified that the person would just put the amount of each letter of the alphabet used in in the text, then add the length of the thread, and then multiplied by your private key. This way it’s proven that the holder of the private key is the person writing the text, and that the text hasn’t changed since the signature was generated.

    … so then anyone can use the author’s public key to check that “something” against the clear mesage to confirm the author’s identity?

    They can confirm that the person holding the private key (not identity, just that they have the key) and also that nobody changed it since they signed it (like the person adminning the forum or a moderator or something)

    If that’s the case, then my error is that the operation to generate the signature is not an encryption. So, may I ask… what is it? A special type of hash?

    It’s basically a hashing function yeah.

  • I don’t know what stuff you are interested in, and yeah, it’s not a platform with algorithms that will push stuff that the site thinks that you will like on you, so you’ll have to do some work to find people you like. If you tried mastodon.social or some other humongous instance that doesn’t really have a culture itself also it makes the whole thing more difficult, joining something like mastodon.art or hachyderm.io or some other one with an a bit more focused theme will usually be a bit better for getting started since your local feed will not be so random.

  • Yeah, sure it’s a bit of a hassle, but it’s not like it’s complex or difficult, that’s what I meant compared to how often I do it it has not been an issue, after you have bootstrapped with a couple of follows, and keep an eye on the local feed it’s pretty easy to get rolling, and then just following interesting people that the people you talk with boost, or people that you enjoy discussing with. I haven’t added someone from a search in years, it’s just a bit of work in the beginning.

  • If I find someone from another instance in my flow I don’t need to do anything other than click on them and click follow. As long as you search from your instance, and not somewhere externally you can just follow them. Also the process when it’s not your home server it’s just a box where you enter your user name, not really convoluted. So I don’t see what you’re getting so worked up about to be honest.

    Sure lemmy is easy in that way, and if you like it more by all means just use it :) Nothing stopping you from that, but you are playing up non issues as “infuriating”

  • sotolf@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlCatholicism
    1 year ago


    Picture of A wildlife photographer marked “The rest of the church” taking pictures out of the frame towards a text marked “Women getting abortions” While prominently in the backgrounds there are two rhinos fucking, the fucker is marked “Priests” and the fuckee “Children”

  • sotolf@programming.devtoMemes@lemmy.mlYes
    1 year ago


    4 Panel comic taken from when a reporter Yvonne Tong asked Doctor Alyward from the WHO about Taiwanese membership in the WHO (WHO having China as a Major player) Yvonne Tong is here representing the teacher and Me is played by Dr Alyward.

    1: My Teacher: Where is your homework
    2: Me: I’m sorry I couldn’t hear your question. Yvonne.
    3: My Teacher: Ok let me repeat the question
    4: No, that’s okay. Let’s move to another one then.