I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

Account migration from @skulblaka@startrek.website after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • However, a lot of folks would love to work at a California based company, be paid California based wages, and then live in an Arkansas cost of living. You have a super valid point for your own standard of living, but there are plenty of workers willing to make that trade for the financial security.

    Suddenly a percentage of the Arkansas population actually has a decent amount of income, you start getting some purchases and tax income in the area, now the ass end of Podunk, AK actually has a little bit of cash money to invest in their area. Rinse and repeat in a hundred thousand little drive-by towns across rural America. As long as it has internet connection someone can make a good living there, and that’s a huge difference to what we’ve traditionally seen in those towns - that being, everyone is broke as shit, so there’s no real upward mobility for anyone because there’s no new money coming in. This is a huge step forward towards addressing that.

  • skulblaka@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    4 days ago

    Bro I actively challenge you to install Mint and have problems with it. It’s nearly impossible. Worst case you’ll need to wineskin some niche Windows-only game or program, but honestly even that isn’t necessary all that often in my experience. You’re going to have a no-stress install finished in a quarter the time that a windows install would be, and a robust OS that apes the windows environment to such a degree that average non-technical users won’t have any idea they’re even using Linux.

    Barring some sort of hardware incompatibility that I haven’t experienced personally, I’ve installed Mint on around a half dozen machines in the past several years and have yet to recieve a complaint from the end users. It just works.

  • I remember in the bad old days of the early to mid 2000s, Apple was pushing software updates considerably past the ability of their hardware to actually run it. I had a 5th Gen iPod Touch and after about two and a half years of owning it, it had become basically a brick. Non-responsive UI more often than not and it took upwards of 8 minutes just to reboot the thing, because they were pushing software updates to it intended for a device 2-3 generations ahead. And this was not an isolated incident. I’m convinced it was on purpose, intended to push people to buy the new models.

    Is this still a problem? I switched to Android and never looked back round about 2008.

  • My Samsung phone shipped with Samsung Notes on it, which works perfectly as a basic notes app and while not FOSS, so far as I can tell if you haven’t logged into a Samsung account the contents stay local. You can also just deny internet permissions to the app if you’re paranoid about it. But if you want a cloud sync it supports that with a Samsung account, can’t speak on that feature very much as I don’t use it.

    Accuweather has both an app and a widget I’ve been using with zero problems for almost a decade.

    I use Keep Notes for cloud sync notes and to-do lists shared in real time with my partner and family.

    I don’t use a Journal app, but from some brief searching Obsidian seems to do most of what you’ll want out of it, and could also serve as a generic notes app.

    I either already had all of these installed or, in the case of Obsidian, found it within about 2 minutes of brief searching. (Looked up what the Journal app does -> “hmm, this sounds like Onenote” -> there is no Libre office Onenote alternative -> didn’t Evernote used to be good? -> Evernote has enshittified, Obsidian is the best rated replacement).

    At the risk of maybe sounding like an asshole, I really don’t understand your complaints here. All of these suggestions either came baked into my OS or were very easy to find on the app store. Keep Notes was the only one I had to be introduced to and only that because I had no use for a multi-user-sync list or notes app beforehand.

  • skulblaka@sh.itjust.workstoaww@lemmy.worldSea Urchins
    7 days ago

    but in normal conditions it lasts as long as any other plastic.

    I am by no means an expert on the subject, but isn’t this basically the entire problem with plastic in the first place?

    It’s nice that this stuff is renewable and recyclable, but if it isn’t properly recycled, it sounds like we’re going to have the same problem we already have with existing plastics.

  • When the threat is already inside the house, yes, that is an option. Not our first option, for reasons that I hope are obvious, but we would not be the first nor the last country to strike out at fascism within their own borders. If they’ve entrenched themselves enough that a civil war becomes what is required to oust them, then that is what will happen. That, or else we lose what remains of the shambling corpse of America fully to the fascists.

    When they are openly threatening violence against non-supporters, which they already are actively doing, the question simply becomes: will you fight, or will you die? And that question is being asked of every single American right now whether they are listening or not. No fight means that fascism siezes control without being contested. That “fight” takes many forms, including voting, but also up to and including armed violence should it become necessary. And the talking points being regurgitated by my local right wing goons is making armed violence sound alarmingly necessary. As in, armed violence is very likely about to be brought to me and my family and folks like us, and I can either expect it and respond accordingly or I and people I love can get predated upon.

    I know which of those I’m choosing when violence knocks down my door. I won’t start this fight, but you can be damn sure that I’ll finish it. Will you?

  • I’m not in the industry anymore, but every time I raised an issue to the boss that got ignored, I used to like to keep a little folder where I’d print the emails or just take notes about the issue, the proposed fix, and when and why it got rejected.

    Then, 8 months later when everything is on fire, I could point at the date February 12, where at 3:40 PM I raised this specific issue that got ignored.

    It never benefitted me, not once, in fact I sincerely think my boss at the time thought I was a smug little prick. Which was fair, I was one. But credit where it’s due, every time I brought the folder back out, he’d get a look like he just swallowed a mug full of cold piss and tell me I was right. That’s all I really wanted out of that folder anyway.