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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • The default homepage on Edge alone is enough to make me never use Edge willingly.

    I don’t know what that Bing/MSN abomination is but it’s reprehensible. It’s the most clickbait tabloid garbage I’ve ever seen. The fact that a company that makes hand over fist on enterprise is willing to sully their new browser with that fucking page makes me lose so much faith in humanity.

    I know it’s an easily changed setting but there’s millions and millions of people that won’t change it at home or at work being exposed to that garbage.

  • Ignore past FF games. Think more a long the lines of God of War.

    Things that it does a lot better than GoW imo: There’s a LOT of enemy variety. It’s actually impressive how much. 50% of the enemies aren’t rando zombies like GoW.

    A lot of the fights are easy. But, kind of refreshing to steam roll trash mobs after GoW if I’m honest.

    There’s a shit ton of amazing mini-boss and boss fights and the ratio between that and trash mobs is really high. Some of the bosses are hard at all of them at least require you to play close attention.

    The writing and polish isn’t as good as God of War but…. It feels better for the game length. I personally felt like GoW overstayed it’s welcome in both games. While the FF writing isn’t as good it’s more fitting of a longer game. It’s still a good story, it just has some rough polish.

    The RPG aspect is essentially identical to GoW. Gear and leveling. If you had swapped the systems both games I wouldn’t even notice. They’re both really shallow and unlock some basic combos.

    There’s also little exploration, even compared to GoW. On the one hand I hated a lot of the GoW back tracking treasure hunt loop after a while. It’s nice to play linear games sometimes. On the other hand, it could’ve done with some well done reasons to explore the maps.

    So long winded way of saying if you like the linear single player action adventure games that Sony is known for its fantastic. If you want some grand jrpg maybe don’t pick it up right now if you’re in the mood for that.

  • If you get a wood filler get an epoxy based wood filler. You may need to order it online, I’ve had trouble finding it at the normal hardware stores.

    It’ll last forever and be more durable than the wood itself. Might be overkill for an indoor fix, but it’s not any pricier. I’ve used it to repair wood rot on outdoor window fixtures and it works great.

    Just a word of advice. It’s tempting to add a bunch because you’re going to sand it down level anyway. But it takes FOREVER to sand if you don’t have a sander so try to make it level as best you can while you’re applying it.

  • No, I’m grateful for the rant. It’s been driving me nuts and with the apps I need to use for work not supporting Wayland whatsoever it basically makes me stuck on X, which sucks because Wayland feels much better for me other than XWayland.

    It’s a really bad issue for me, it makes XWayland completely unusable. Like, characters appear in different order as I’m typing. The cursor sometimes looks like it’s a character behind. It’s obnoxious that such a huge bug is stuck in politics.