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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Yes, agreed, some of it is probably just bluster to seem like they’re doing something.

    However, even if we agree that more police resources are necessary, I don’t know how we should get more of competent, educated police in the short term unless we involve military (who do have some education at least). The last thing I want is for us to rapidly employ new “police” (ordningsvakter) with only weeks or a few months of training - that’s how we get additional problems with US-style police violence on top of the gang violence problems…

  • I agree that the current government is implementing exactly 0 long-term strategies to help deal with the root cause of the problems, like strengthening and financing social services and welfare, healthcare and mental healthcare, schools and social programs, decriminalizing some drugs etc, to curb influx of underage criminals into the gangs and remove some of the economical incentives. The opposition is coming out with good suggestion after good suggestion, and the right-wing (by Swedish standards) government has basically just slashed welfare across the board in practice. They are going for only the hard-on-crime approach, which as far as I know has no real scientific proof of long-term efficacy unless paired with social/community interventions.

    However, I think many swedes agree that the police need more resources - particularly people watching possible targets of future bombings and just more eyes on the gangs. We have one of the lowest number of police per capita in Europe, slightly higher than the rest of the Nordic countries tbf, but with much bigger problems with organized crime and violence.

    I’m also horrified at this general societal development, but I can see the merit of involving some of the military in more eyes-on-the-ground kinds of operations for a few years until we have more of a grip on the gang situation. I prefer that to visitation zones, harsher punishments and more generalized surveillance of non-suspects being allowed.

    But maybe I’m just naïve to the implications.

  • If I understand correctly (and I’m not 100% sure I do), localhost in a Docker container lives in it’s own little network which is not the host’s network.

    The container is its own localhost, which has its own ports (which is why you have to map an internal localhost port to a host PC localhost port for every container you wish to access). This means that Prowlarr in your case, has no idea what localhost:4666 should be since in Prowlarr’s localhost universe there exists nothing on that port. To access what the host knows of ports (instead of the container), you have to write the host’s address from inside the Prowlarr container.

    I hope that wasn’t impossible to follow 😅

    Now that I think about it (haven’t tried myself though) you could possibly add the mapping of port 4666:4666 to the Prowlarr Docker compose setup and then use localhost:4666 to access qBittorrent from inside Prowlarr.

  • sarjalim@lemm.eetoSweden@lemmy.worldLemmy och kommunisterna
    11 months ago

    Håller med skaparen av lemm.ee (min heminstans) om att defederering på instansnivå helst inte är önskvärt utom i sista hand eftersom det skapar åsiktsbubblor. Jag kollar aldrig något annat flöde än mina egna subscribed communities, så har inte sett något alls från Hexbear eller Lemmygrad ändå förutom när jag själv har gått in och kikat pga nyfiken. (Så ja, jag bor ändå i en bubbla…)

    Snart kommer man ju tydligen också kunna defederera från/blocka en Lemmyinstans direkt med sin användare som jag fattar det, och då finns det betydligt mindre värde i att ens heminstans ska ta beslutet om vad som ska vara federerat eller inte tycker jag.

    Med det sagt så håller jag med om generella kritiken gällande Hexbear och Lemmygrad i många communities där. De är ofta märkligt, aggressivt propagandistiska och defensiva när det gäller Kina, Ryssland och Sovjet, och anti-Ukraina. Nu tycker jag kanske inte att väst och Nato och USA och västmedia alltid är helgon som sitter på Sanningen™, men Hexbear/Lemmygrad är som att titta på sin konspirationsteoretiska högerextremistiska farbrors Facebookflöde (eller r/conservative på Reddit) fast i uppochnervända världen. Då är jag politiskt vänster, men jag har väldigt svårt att hålla med om takes i trådarna där.

  • And try to force them to attend a mediation session with the murderer, actively discourage them from going to the police… Fail to report the baby deaths appropriately to the NHS, fail to do the initial investigation about the first three deaths the executive team had decided on. Fail to present to the board of trustees that the conclusion of two external reviews were that some of the baby deaths should be forensically investigated. Fail to do any investigation. Refuse to reassign the murderer for months while more murders and attempted murders happen, then reassign them into a position where they have access to manipulate the narrative. And additionally order the whistleblowers to cease email communications about the issue…

    I think I missed a few things as well, there’s just too many things wrong in this picture.

  • This whole story is the most insane, fucked up thing I have read in years.

    Especially the companion story, Hospital bosses ignored months of doctors’ warnings about Lucy Letby. The hospital execs seem almost as callous as the murderer. Holy shit. You have to have some sort of psychological or empathetic disorder as manager or director to fail to act when babies are dying like flies, there is one common factor, and your response isn’t to immediately investigate and take that common factor out of the equation as a safety measure.

    They just refused to act for 3 years (where 17 babies died mysteriously or had near-fatal unexplained events in one year) - except silence, threaten and bully the doctor and seven (!) pediatric consultants who repeatedly raised the alarm and called for outside investigation. Since the murderer was removed from the neonatal ward in 2016, there has apparently been 1 baby death. In total, in 7 years.

    I don’t know how you would live with yourself knowing that you actively aided a serial killer by refusing to listen to multiple people warning you about them and pleading with you to act.

  • Håller med. Dessutom, om jag ser att jag kanske behöver betala returfrakt så brukar jag göra som man inte ska göra, dvs beställa flera storlekar av varje grej och samtliga/fler modeller som ser liknande ut och kanske kan vara bättre i passform eller utseende i verkligheten. Dvs det blir då garanterat en returfrakt, som jag istället kallt räknar in i priset. Men eftersom jag beställer “alla” storlekar (kanske S och M t ex, eftersom jag ligger emellan) och liknande modeller så behöver jag inte beställa igen, och slipper då ytterligare returfrakt.

    Men det är såklart ett förkastligt köpbeteende ur miljöhänseende.

  • Det hade varit väldigt intressant att se även som konsument, för att kunna rannsaka sitt eget beställnings- och returmönster i jämförelse med andra. Jag köper en hel del online (0-4 beställningar i månaden) via Zalando, och är ibland orolig att jag returnerar “för mycket”. Då beställer jag inte 3 olika storlekar av varje plagg alltså, utan beställer de kläder eller prylar jag vill ha i en storlek jag tror ska passa. Men har väl inte “modellkroppen” som kläder sys upp för (jag är kort och kurvig, inte lång och rak) och rätt ofta passar det inte storleksmässigt eller stilmässigt helt enkelt. Är också såklart petigare med passform av dyra plagg/skor, eftersom det då är mer pengar det handlar om.

  • I think every member of society is entitled to a minimum level of respect. Some groups of people in society face more discrimination and harassment than others due to some common attribute they have, and my opinion is that they should be legally protected from that.

    You are in your rights to think Islam is a cancer, you are free to protest Islam publicly, whenever and wherever. The difference is that your critique of Islam is legal and valid, but you can’t target Muslims. Certain actions combined with a place and time can turn valid critique into incitement.

  • I actually agree, it’s a problem. As other people also argued here, the existing law is perhaps too fuzzy even though I personally agree with the sentiment (and do believe it is applicable as-is in the recent Quran cases).

    Laws can sometimes be intentionally written broadly as to cover future unanticipated cases, but for the recent events it’s not clear what is covered and what isn’t covered. That has to be tried in court to set a precedent then, and that hasn’t been done. And part of why it hasn’t been done seems to be that the prosecutors are unsure of how their case will go in court, so they choose not to prosecute… At least that’s how I have understood it.