• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • sort of. it was more like head tracking. so you move your head and you could look around your cockpit. It was essentially a poor mans way of head tracking. there was an app you could download to your phone and your pc that would connect to each other. then with your phones gyroscope it would track your head movements. So then I would take the phone and strap it to the top of my headset with like a hair tie. it worked for a few games. War Thunder, MechWarrior Online, Star Citizen, pretty much any sort of sim it would work.

  • Mods that treat running their subreddits as their full time jobs and feel like they’re gods gift to reddit. Mods that feel that pushing their narrative is more important than providing accurate and unbias opinions.

    in many subreddits you constantly ran the guantlet of “will posting this piss off a mod and result in a ban”? it’s just not worth it.

    Combine all that with the bots, troll farms, and obvious bad actor accounts that admins simply refuse to deal with. you couldn’t get an honest opinon or source out of anyone. it was repost after repost to build karma on an account and then without fail that account is then pushing some agenda or narrative or selling you something.

  • they watched a youtube video by a guy from India on how to unlock it.

    Seriously though, some of those videos actually work. I had a Samsung Galaxy that I got from some flea market for like $20. it was locked due to the FRP so I didn’t have access to the email or phone number. I just wanted to use it as a headset mounted gyroscope thing for war thunder (yeah, ask me about that one). Watched a youtube vid by some guy in India who went through the most bizarre way to unlock the phone and it worked. I was scanning QR codes and installing the samsung file manager app and a bunch of weird crap and was surprised that it worked. Dudes on reddit were deadset that it was impossible, impossible I tells ya, to bypass the FRP. it is possible. and you don’t need to download any of the scammy ‘unlock your phone’ programs either.

  • best anti-virus I’ve ever used? my gut n’ noggin.

    been online for 30 years and have never once got a virus or trojan or anything and I pirate A LOT. My point being you’re not going to find a super duper great anti-virus program and they’re all gonna be annoying and provide false positives etc. Windows defender is going to ping you a lot cause you’re using cracks to alter admin settings to get your pirated shit to work, that’s the point.

    Download from trusted sources and uploaders, do your research. if it feels off or looks iffy then bounce out. People who get virus’ and trogans and shit honstly don’t know what they’re doing and in many cases it’s all hogwash anyways to sell you anti-virus programs.

    Like really, truly, think about it for a moment who in your entire life has recently gotten a computer virus? out of all the people I know in my life I can’t even think of a single person that has.

  • and even the challenging part doesn’t really have to be that hard and can quickly be figured out. either via a package installer or it can be as simple as git clone <insert git repo> then makepkg -si

    I mean with Arch and AUR it’s that easy. worse comes to worse if it’s not in Octopi or AUR then download the exe, wrap it in wine, and that should do it. I’ve been using Linux for almost a month now and I think the only thing I just couldn’t get working was some Mod package for a game and that’s only cause I’m lazy and gave up on it but it would work if I was dedicated to get it working.

  • This was one of the main reasons I made the switch.

    when I was using win10/11 for whatever reason once or twice a year, always at least once a year, the wifi on my laptop would just working. just wouldn’t connect to anything. sometimes doing a hardreset would work but usually it wouldn’t. even uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers did nothing. Nope Windows would just randomly decide that this thing isn’t worth it’s salt and wouldn’t acknowledge it’s existance. the ONLY fix was to reinstall the OS. It’s not like I was doing anything, just Windows deciding it didn’t want to work.

    Now on Linux everything just works. if I have issues it’s because of my own doing and they’re easy to work cause I know what I did wrong. worse comes to worse I got auto backups and just need to reinstall which takes all of like 5min. Or I can use it as an excuse to try another distro.

    That’s my biggest issue, I’m just so addicted to tweaking the thing now that it’s a dangerous rabbit hole to go down cause I know i’ll end up breaking something. It’s fun though. Just constantly tweaking and adjusting to get it “just right”.

  • I’m lucky where I’ve been able to get everything I need to work on Linux. It’s also very simple to get the stuff that I thought was windows only to work on Linux. Hell I was able to get some random Elden Ring program needed for a mod to work.

    Thankfully though it’s not hard to find what will and won’t work on Linux. I’m on an Arch distro so AUR is a life saver. I’d say 8 or 9 times out of time someone has already got a repo for what I need.

  • Windows 11. It was just so damn frustrating. about once or twice a year it would randomly kill my wifi adaptor for whatever unknown reason. regardless of uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers, nope, would just prevent the wifi from connecting to anything and the ONLY solution was a OS reinstall.

    also my main machine is a laptop. a gaming laptop at that. with Win11 I could average about 30 to 45min out of the battery. It was just such a hassle to go anywhere (I work remotely a lot) and always have to look for a plug. Windows just ate my battery like it was a t-bone steak. I even thought I had to replace my battery.

    Then I just finally had enough and decided to try out Linux. Someone here on Lemmy suggested Mint as a good starter for me. Played around with it for like 3 days and decided to just backup everything and wipe my machine and install linux.

    Used Mint for maybe 2 weeks beforce deciding to switch to CachyOS. Mint was fine and all but wasn’t great with my Nvidia GPU. CachyOS has been awesome. Everything is faster. my laptop boots up super quick now, games run at twice the FPS than they did on Windows and my battery…holy shit my battery WASN’T dying. I now get 4 hours (!!!) out of it. For that reason alone i’ll never go back to Windows.

  • also just a heads up to potentially avoid the random “windows update will fuck shit up” problem look into ReviOS. If you’re just using it on a hobby box thing then that might be an option that will work out for you. it removes Edge, copilot, onedrive, all the bloatware removes the anti-privacy shit and lets you choose the updates.

    before I switched to Linux that’s what I was using over instead of just regular windows 11. I mean the preformance improvments wasn’t anything I would say was groundbreaking but it was noticibly faster than regular win11.

  • rozodru@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    5 days ago

    nope, haven’t had any issues with wifi. in fact it works better now than it did on Windows. On windows every so often I’d have to reinstall the OS simply because the wifi stopped working regardless of reinstalling drivers.

    On linux haven’t had that issue at all and if anything it’s more reliable.

  • rozodru@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    6 days ago

    my daily driver is a laptop and I haven’t had any issues with drivers. I have an Nvidia GPU and it’s been fine. if anything you can partion out your drive and give a linux distro a go to see how you like it. Linux Mint is painfully easy to install. I’m on CachyOS which is a little more “advanced” but not by much and it’s just as easy to install.