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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It’s no fun though. I had an old tracker that the clutch cable broke on. It was my only vehicle and it took a couple weeks for the replacement to come in. Switching between gears was okay once I got the hang of matching RPM. Starting, however, required me to turn the engine off at every stop, putting it in first, then letting the starter pull the car along a few feet until the engine was turning fast enough to run. It was a miracle I didn’t burn the starter up. Thank god I lived in a pretty rural area and only had a few stops between home and work.

    Overall, I’d rate driving manual without a clutch 1/10.

  • I have no doubt that China can and does buy data from data brokers. I think it’s unlikely, however that any of the major players are going to be willing to sell all their data on anyone- being able to target ads to individuals is their entire value proposition after all. On top of that, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have fallen pretty heavily out of favor with folks in their teens/early 20s (i.e. the demographic most ripe to be sources of bad OPSEC).

    But even assuming that an adversary could buy all the data they could possibly want, doing so could tip off anyone who cared to be watching about the sorts of data they’re interested in. This is generally not something you want as it can reveal your own strategic concerns/intentions.

    Having your own app that can collect whatever you want, where you can promote whatever information/view that you want is a pretty big advantage over buying data.

    If the argument is about privacy, I think banning tik tok is complete bullshit. If it’s about limiting intelligence gathering and influence campaigns, I think it makes more sense.

  • Yes and no. Without endorsing them, the arguments for banning Tik Tok are subtler than Chinese = security risk. The fears, however reasonable you may find them, are largely that it presents a danger of foreign information gathering of detailed behavioral/location/interest/social network information on a huge swath of the U.S. population which can be used either for intelligence purposes or targeted influence/psyops campaigns within the U.S. When you look at the history of how even relatively benign data from sources not controlled by foreign adversaries has been used for intelligence gathering, e.g. Strava runs disclosing the locations of classified military installations, these fears make a certain amount of sense.

    Temu, et al., on the other hand are shopping apps that don’t really lend themselves to influence campaigns in the same way (though, if they are sucking up data like all the other apps, I wouldn’t be surprised if folks in the U.S. security apparatus are concerned about those as well.

    Ultimately, I think the argument fails because it assumes an obligation for Congress to solve every tangentially related ill all at once where no such obligation exists.

  • For a company, it’s essential to be able to monitor/review employee communications for legal/compliance reasons. That said, while you should assume that any communication made with your official email/slack/teams/whatever can be seen by the company if it needs to be (e.g. somebody sues for something, even something potentially unrelated to you, that creates a need to search for relevant records), it’s unlikely that Slack is actively reporting your conversations to your boss.

    As others have said, if you don’t want your company to see something you’re saying, don’t say it at work or on their platforms. In the U.S. at least, you have no expectation of privacy at work. If you’re worried about something you’ve already said, you might just be screwed. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • Aside from driving being an activity that, in my opinion, will require something approaching AGI, there are other issues to consider. Self driving cars will be completely unable to make difficult decisions reliably. How, for example, do they deal with a robbery where you just have someone stand in front of the car to immobilize it and then have the folks inside the car at your mercy? I have to imagine that either you’re producing pedestrian murder machines or serving up passengers on a silver platter.

  • Nonprofit versions of vital social tech. If I had the money sitting around, I’d love to start a nonprofit dating site/app. I met my wife on OKC in 2011 before it got bought up and enshittified. It was great and wasn’t geared toward just keeping you engaged (they’re soooooo bad now!). You’d probably have to gatekeep it with a small fee to disincentive bots, but with a relatively small investment, you could create something really useful for folks without preying on anyone’s desperation.

    Signal would be a good model for this sort of thing.

    Edit: typos

  • I’m going to say first off that this is kind of depressing. That said, after my initial knee-jerk reaction of “fuck you, Duolingo,” it occurs to me that is might be a better outcome than them pulling out of Russia altogether.

    Providing Russian citizens easy access to language learning provides them access to non-Russian media and non-Russian discourse on queer issues.

    In my own experience, learning a language as an adult has taken place in ~3 stages: 1. learn from instructional material exclusively, 2. consume foreign language material with native-language support/tools, 3. learn more of the language via context. If having an app available to folks in an oppressive country helps them get through stage 1 and into 2/3, it gives them a chance to escape the hateful discourse of the regime… In theory.

    On the other hand, maybe it’s just capitalists being capitalists.