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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2024


  • Euouae


    Euouae (/juː.ˈuː.iː/; sometimes spelled Evovae)[1] is an abbreviation used as a musical mnemonic in Latin psalters and other liturgical books of the Roman Rite. It stands for the syllables of the Latin words saeculorum Amen, taken from the Gloria Patri, a Christian doxology that concludes with the phrase in saecula saeculorum. Amen. The mnemonic is used to notate the variable melodic endings (differentiae) of psalm tones in Gregorian chant.

    In some cases, the letters of Euouae may be further abbreviated to E—E.[2] A few books of English chant (notably Burgess and Palmer’s The Plainchant Gradual) make use of oioueae for the equivalent English phrase, “world without end. Amen”.

    According to Guinness World Records, Euouae is the longest word in the English language consisting only of vowels, and also the English word with the most consecutive vowels.[3] As a mnemonic originating from Latin, it is unclear that it should count as an English word; however, it is found in the unabridged Collins English Dictionary.[4]

  • Update: They won, but every single party has said they will not work together with Herbert Kickl. Maybe with the FPÖ without him though (they didn’t specifically rule that out), but I doubt the FPÖ will be willing to drop him after getting their best result in history so far (nearly 29%).

    The only possible coalitions without it would be ÖVP (people’s party) + SPÖ (social democratic party) + NEOS (center (economic right (less regulation) else left)) or ÖVP + SPÖ + Green Party.

    Technically ÖVP + SPÖ would also work by a very slim margin (out of 92 needed mandates to form a coalition (183 mandates in total) they’re getting 92 or 93) but wouldn’t hold much power (failing to get a majority if one single mandate doesn’t agree to something) which is why it’s more likely that they also include NEOS or the green party.

  • When I was in France, Cannes people were unironically not blinking at all. Like, none. Parking happened by driving until you hit the other car, every car had demolished bumpers and in the main streets there were three car repairers within like a hundred meters, all full.

    If you ever wondered why French cars are deemed so unreliable: The French really are skewing the statistics.

  • Damn

    Rothbard opposed egalitarianism and the civil rights movement, and blamed women’s voting and activism for the growth of the welfare state.[24][25][10][11] He promoted historical revisionism and befriended the Holocaust denier Harry Elmer Barnes.[26][27][28] Later in his career, Rothbard advocated a libertarian alliance with paleoconservatism (which he called paleolibertarianism), favoring right-wing populism and describing David Duke and Joseph McCarthy as models for political strategy.[29][30][24][31] In the 2010s, he received renewed attention as an influence on the alt-right.[32][10][33][34]

    Oh and bicycling also wasn’t popular in Europe when my grandfather was young (50s/60s), when you were cycling people thought you were too poor to buy a motorcycle. But mindsets can change, now bicycling is hugely popular both for moving around (especially in cities) and for sports.