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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • YouTube’s attempts at blocking Adblockers are pathetic

    I’ve long maintained that the majority of programmers working for Alphabet/Google/YouTube spent more time learning how to get the job than how to do the job well. There is a lot more to coding than “Cracking the Coding Interview.”

    It’s not about building cool things over there. Is has not been that way for a long time. They just want the money and reputation.

  • I don’t think it’s racism and for you to throw that out shows that you missed the forest for the trees.

    Also, who said I calmly watched? It was wild and I thought the guys were dead. I wasn’t calm at all. You’re filling in blanks to my story that are not true. Don’t do that. You assumed a too much and were wrong on every assumption. You could read the other comments in this thread for some confirmation of the problem with Chinese people (not all of them so don’t assume that again).

    So because of your assumptions I feel I need to clarify what I meant. I meant that from the stories I have heard from Thais about the Chinese, they are a real nuisance. I based my opinion on the Thai stories combined with my time in Hong Kong before China took over. Not even that long ago Hong Kong was my favorite place in the world. Then China came and did China things. The culture has changed and the people are different. Obviously not all, that would be an over generalization. There is something going on in Chinese culture that is just as bad as the MAGA in America. Is it racist if I say my fellow Americans are bad? Because I think a sizable portion are.

    I shared that story because it was the most prominent, recent, and relevant but there are plenty of others if you want to hear them. Actually I have a story that happened today about some extremely rude russians. They were obvious draft dodgers and causing problems for those around them. Would that story be racist?

  • I’m currently in Thailand and saw a couple of arrogant Chinese get ruthlessly beaten by street justice. They had been talking shit about everyone all night and then started being physical. It took seconds for there to be dozens of Thai people beating them worse than I have ever seen someone beaten. It was really bad. I’d be surprised if they lived. By the time the police came both Chinese were completely unconscious on the ground with blood everywhere. Nobody was taken into custody other than the Chinese guys.

    When talking with people after it happened they mostly agreed that Chinese people have been the problem causers more than other tourists. There seems to have been a major shift in Chinese culture over the past few years and most of them seem to have a massive superiority complex.

    I used to think it was the CCP that made China a bad place but it seems it’s the people as well.

  • I agree with most of what you said except I don’t expect companies to turn good. They don’t do good or evil, they do profit by whatever means. It’s intrinsic!

    I’d like to help build some shit, got any recommendations? I can do the type type beep boop as long as that neural net is left out. Fuck that black box shit. I think it is the real reason for the shit algorithms these days. Which leads me to my next point. I get the exact same results from Kagi as I do from DDG. They are identical >90% of the time. Kagi does provide features that are worth paying for but I want better results, they existed before.

    Once upon a time I could search for something incredibly specific and find an obscure forum with the answer. These days all I get, even with Kagi is the same results from SEO optimized garbage to AI generated dribble.

    I really do not understand why Kagi is so promoted here. I really have not found it to be any better.

  • In that case, I look forward to downloading and torrent seeding my pirated youtube videos. DRM will not stop piracy. I will pirate the fuck out of youtube.

    They could have made good money with a reasonable amount of ads but they are greedy and wanted huge and endless profits. They claim to need to make these changes to cover operating costs but they still post higher than expected profits every quarter. I stopped using google search, mail, calendar, and have grapheneOS on my phone. I used to be a google fanboy, but it is so bad now I can’t stand to open their page. Fuck the people that work at google that ruined one of the best ways to access all of human knowledge so they can afford another tesla.