• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • I hike with a FT60 too; it’s simple and robust. It’ll handle San Bruno mountain except for right along the top ridgeline. Walking 20 meters downhill will let it work again. That mountain is just a crazy bubble of RF.

    I use two techniques to figure out if the handheld I’m carrying will work. First, if the S meter reads at S9 but the squelch isn’t opening, then it’s overloaded. The second is to call into a clearly viable and local repeater. Failing to open the repeater is a pretty good sign of overload.

  • Yep, the park includes the parking lot, but it’s a different not POTA or SOTA park on the east side up the hills. Though there is a summit not too far away (W6/CC-072 San Bruno Mountain) that’s challenging for another reason: it’s littered with FM and TV broadcast towers. I’ve never tried to SOTA it, but I bought a 2m bandpass filter for my handheld for when I’m out hiking it. It’s a pastime listening to folks on 146.52 calling CQ but unable to hear the 10 people trying to respond. It’s such an easy peak to get to but so many folk fail because their radio’s frontend becomes overloaded.

    This exercise is definitely an excuse for more ham stuff. If I can squeeze out an additional 3db over what I have, then it’ll be worth it.

  • Indeed, many of my wire antennas work with NVIS. I rarely do nighttime radio, so my 40m work is generally localized. My EFHW with a 40m fundamental in L / V ish configuration at 10m height and 20 to 50 watts of power does a great job, 59 reports locally and up to 600km away. I even played around with attaching a wire to the top end of my telescoping vertical to make an inverted L specifically for pulling out the vertical’s null and into NVIS operation.

    Perhaps the park is more about being an excuse in expanding my antenna collection because my EFHW maxes out around 50w SSB, but I’m not going to complain. Who doesn’t want more antennas?

    I’m looking at K-6450, but it’s not the only POTA that’s a cove. There’s plenty of small beaches up and down the coast that are surrounded by cliffs and mountains. I hope our discussion can help others looking at similarly difficult POTA parks.

    My first experience with this beach was when I took my radio with my 1/4w vertical for some simple play and SWLing because I wanted to avoid local QRM. That trip was successful in removing the QRM and nearly all bands were quiet from any eastward activity and nearly silent from north-south stations despite decent band conditions. Afterwards I checked POTA to see if the beach was a valid park, which it was, and noted how few people have activated it. That makes sense as depending on DX for activation is a difficult proposition. I suspect those who did activate probably did so from the parking lot (better power budgets and a larger sky view), went on a weekend for higher band activity, knew how to maximize local propagation, and/or used digital to deal with very weak signals.

    Hence why I’m looking at NVIS options. If I can setup the best portable NVIS that I can muster, then that antenna with my beach DXing setup should cover the contacts needed to active the park.

    As for the planned spot to operate from, this time I’ll try working from the cliff tops instead of on the sand. There are trees that I can use and is not a crowded location (the beach is popular, not the cliffs). I don’t want anyone tripping over poles or long wires after all.

  • I did consider a OCFD but the multiband feature didn’t seem worthwhile over a monoband dipole or multiband fan dipole.

    Thinking about it again, perhaps it is worthy. If the fundamental is 40m, then I should get dipole performance with an interesting radiation pattern on the second harmonic (20m). If I deploy as a sloper, then perhaps I can get an OK 20m DX setup and decent 40m NVIS out of it. Good timing of the activation right could mean I can capture VK stations without pulling out my 1/4w vertical.

    I’ll give it a quick model and perhaps find myself winding a 4:1 balun. :)

  • Congratulations and welcome to the world of collecting radio equipment that you swear you’ll use someday!

    That’s a fairly full-spec DMR HT. Others to consider around that price point and lower are Yaesu VX-6R, FT70DR, and FT-60R as well as Icom’s IC-T10. They all have their quirks, but they’re quality radios and can be field programmed easily.

    One thing to consider is how much budget you can afford for accessories. Things like:

    • Antennas
    • Extra batteries
    • Charging stand
    • Hand mic
    • Band pass filters

    I recommend at least getting a roll-up J-pole antenna, like the Ed Fong DBJ-2. Stock HT antennas will work, and they do their job well, but they’re just not the same as a full-sized, resonant antenna. A roll-up J-pole is a full sized antenna that you put up 10 feet into the air, yet it can be packed into a small pouch. You’ll reach out to much further away repeaters or be able to make simplex contacts further than three or four miles out.

    If you have a specific area of interest in the hobby, then drop a reply with some details. I, and others here, can help narrow you in on the right kit without spending big bucks.

  • A friend of mine explained why it’s important to his kids: they can’t chat with a group of their friends.

    Why? Because parents don’t want to install WhatsApp or other group chats due to legitimate concerns about scammers, pedophiles, and other child predators. SMS chat fills that gap, but it breaks horribly for groups bigger than 10 people. Hence if some kid is on Android, they break their chat. Given the penetration of Apple devices, it’s the kids with Android who are considered at-fault. “Just get an iPhone!”

    Welcome to anticompetitive practices targeted at your children.

  • As is typical, this science reporting isn’t great. It’s not only that AI can do it effectively, but that it can do it at scale. To quote the paper:

    “Despite these models achieving near-expert human performance, they come at a fraction of the cost, requiring 100× less financial and 240× lower time investment than human labelers—making such privacy violations at scale possible for the first time.”

    They also demonstrate how interacting with an AI model can quickly extract more private info without looking like it is. A game of 20 questions, except you don’t realize you’re playing.

  • They may have cut themselves. Usually high level cuts are announced as “leaving for an amazing opportunity” or to “focus on family” or similar. That happens a month or two later after a deep layoff round and reorganizing. We’ll see if these recent layoffs included executives by Q1 next year. Watch LinkedIn if you’re that curious.

    Still, it’s unfair to the lower levels, including line management, because they don’t get that option. It’s a “thank you for your service” and a boot out the door.

    Note: not all tech companies are like this. Gumroad is an excellent example of a very open and ran-differently business.

  • Best is a matter of how you rank features! The FT-60R suggestion is a good one, but that’s a choice of robustness (it’s incredibly solid) over some other features. If you’re after satellite work, it’s not a great choice. Or if you’re really interested in APRS tracking during your runs, it’s also not a great choice. Or, like in my situation, I need to help my local club in working with their Yeasu 70cm repeater running FM and C4FM, which is why I have a FT-70DR.

    The UV-5R is doing you well. Let’s find things you’d like to do that it doesn’t do well. Is it 1.25m band support? FM satellites? Audio quality? Digital modes? The radio’s physical size or hand feel?

    Or are you beginning to think about beyond HT, but still portable. Like HF or trying out SSB on VHF?