Just some IT guy

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNetwork Switch
    9 days ago

    I somewhat disagree that you have to be a data hoarder for 10G to be worth it. For example I’ve got a headless steam client on my server that has my larger games installed (all in all ~2TB so not in data hoarder territories) which allows me to install and update those games at ~8 Gbit/s. Which in turn allows me to run a leaner Desktop PC since I can just uninstall the larger games as soon as I don’t play them daily anymore and saves me time when Steam inevitably fails to auto update a game on my Desktop before I want to play it.

    Arguably a niche use case but it exists along side other such niche use cases. So if someone comes into this community and asks about how best to implement 10G networking I will assume they (at least think) have such a use case on their hands and want to improve that situation a bit.

  • Personally going 10G on my networking stuff has significantly improved my experience with self-hosting, especially when it comes to file transfers. 1G can just be extremely slow when you’re dealing with large amounts of data so I also don’t really understand why people recommend against 10G here of all places.

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNetwork Switch
    10 days ago

    If I buy a switch and that thing decides to give me downtime in order to auto update I can tell you what lands on my blacklist. Auto-Updates absoultely increase security but there are certain use cases where they are more of a hindrance than a feature, want proof? Not even Cisco does Auto-Update by default (from what I’ve managed to find in this short time neither does TrendNet which you’ve been speaking well of). The device on its own deciding to just fuck off and pull down your network is not in any way a feature their customers would want. If you don’t want the (slight) maintenance load that comes with an active switch do not get one, get a passive one instead.

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNetwork Switch
    10 days ago

    So first of all I see no point in sharing multiple articles that contain the same copy-pasted info, one of those would have been enough. That aside, again, patches were made available before the vulnerability was published and things like MikroTik not pushing Updates being arguably more of a feature since automatic updates cause network downtime via a reboot and that would be somewhat problematic for networking equipment. Could they have handled that better? Yes, you can almost always handle vulnerabilities better but their handling of it was not so eggregious as to warrant completely avoiding them in the future.

  • Neshura@bookwormstory.socialtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNetwork Switch
    10 days ago

    Can you elaborate on how their response was lacking? From what I found the stable branch had a patch for that vulnerability available for several months before the first report while the lts branch had one available a week before the first article (arguably a brief period to wait before releasing news about the vulnerability but not unheard of either).

    MikroTik also offers a 2 year warranty since they legally have to, no idea what you’re on about there. Also also not sure what you think they sell other than networking because for the life of me I can’t find anything other than networking related stuff on their website.

  • strictly speaking facts a society needs to reproduce somewhere close to replacement level or above in order to have some semblance of stability, what OP likely means is that they had kids A) because they wanted them and B) because they don’t think most people make good parents. By having kids they contributed to the birth rate and therefore (hopefully) removed some unfit person’s decision to become a parent because the birth rates are horrendous. Also having kids when you can likely manage to actually raise them properly results in a lower ratio of spoiled brats in the population down the line, idiocracy sadly was very on point with the movies observation about reproduction behaviour among different education levels.

  • No need for admins at all, just have the users keep the place clean entirely by themselves, I’m sure that will work wonders /s. Let’s not worry about people browsing the instance before making an account by which they could block such content. That’s such a silly idea, who’d ever want to do that. No instead let’s make it so the entire thing is only usable with an account… wait I’ve seen that somewhere else before.

    As for me being “hysteric” about an unfounded “conspiracy theory” I’m not, as is this “feature” is not implemented and if you could read you would have spotted me being pretty clear about this likely being a nothing burger all the way at the start of the conversation. Here’s the quote since you apparently missed it:

    And to be fair here if the ads get federated they will likely be marked as such in some way so other Fediverse platforms should be able to filter the ads out easily.

    At the very beginning this was simply a discussion about the potential impacts of this “feature” threads wants to implement. The people coming in here completely naive and blind to any potential outcome to this other than “sunshine and rainbows” are you guys. I’m not saying Threads will push ads into the fediverse. I’m not even claiming they would do it in a malicious manner. I was simply refuting the claim that it could not happen. And despite your claim I am familiar enough with mastodon to know that can happen via tag relays at the very least.

    For someone calling others uninformed about the fediverse I am astonished how uniformed you are about it yourself. I am by no means deeply familiar with the activitypub protocol or the fediverse despite running an instance but I know enough about it that I can say with absolute certainty that ads could and would find their way to the fediverse. Would that be somehow novel and new? No, relays are a known factor and by their very nature they do not filter out unwanted content. When an admin subscribes to a tag or instance relay they get all the content from that relay not only the stuff they want. As such ads would not be much different from a regular post made by a company. I never claimed such anyway. I only claimed if Threads made ads federate (if then most certainly with a marker that it is an ad for compliance reasons) they would end up in the global feeds unless the platform backends implement whatever mechanisms Threads would use to mark those ads in the activitypub data. I see no reason provided so far to discredit that possibilty. Learn to differentiate between hysteria and reasonable discussion before making wild accusations next time.

  • The example shown literally is a regular post simply marked “Sponsored” so it can be assumed that post would federate just like any other post. The only difference being the Sponsor marker likely being a Threads exclusive ActivityPub extension so unless other platforms implement that the post would show up as a regular post on e.g. Mastodon.

    Them being in compliance with EU regulations while simultaneously blasting their ads into the Fediverse are not mutually exclusive. There are ways for them to do both. And to be fair here if the ads get federated they will likely be marked as such in some way so other Fediverse platforms should be able to filter the ads out easily.