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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • To add a bit more about Shadow Tactics, it is a top-down 3D game where you control a crew of characters with different abilities (ninja, samurai, sharpshooter, etc.)

    It is real time but you can plan actions to happen simultaneously, so it feels really cool to solve the stealth puzzles by combining the characters’ different abilities.

    Also good atmosphere, voices, story, etc. Just a very good game.

  • These technologies to capture small amounts of “leftover” energy are neat, but the problem is that by definition you will never get as much out of them as you would from “bulk” energy sources. Often you end up spending more effort/tech/materials for a smaller output, so you’re just better off building more solar panels and investing in some storage for cloudy days.

    If there happens to be some cheap easy solution to get little pieces of energy here and there, then sure, why not? But it’s not going to fill the gap, and it’s not worth spending major effort on for a small return.