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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Docker automatically upgrades if you tell it to by specifying “latest” or not specifying a version number. But it only upgrades if you issue the pull command or the compose up command. There are ways to start without a pull like using start or restart. So yes, there was warning and something you did actively told it to upgrade.

    And it’s really bad practice to update any software without testing, especially between breaking/major version numbers.

    Finally, it’s not uncommon for a platform to release its update and then the plugins or addons to follow. Especially with major updates that require lots of testing before release. This allows plugin/add-on makers to fully test their software with the release version of the platform rather than all of the plugin makers having to wait for one that may be lagging behind.

  • Right I only got as far as talking about the ionizing radiation itself not even what happens if the radioation emitting materials themselves escape and so other types of radiation become dangerous through ingestion, not just incidental exposure.

    And who is going to pay the trillions of dollars to develop those technologies to reduce the ionizing radiation into a usable product? The energy companies won’t because they’d go bankrupt. And what happened when we left companies to dispose of the waste? They sank it to the bottom of the ocean in barrels that some have since resurfaced. So instead we tried to build a temporary solution by dumping it in a mountain bunker, but that was too costly and we gave up and it’s all just sitting out in the open still in every country with nuclear power. No country has come up with a solution yet and that solution is part of the cost of generating the energy.

    So how is nuclear power profitable if it’s exorbitantly expensive to store it indefinitely and exponentially more expensive to develop the technology to make it slightly safer to store indefinitely. And it costs billions and takes decades to decommission a reactor once it’s exceeded its lifespan. Which is why three mile island is still there and containment is still necessary. Again, how is nuclear power cost effective in the long term?

  • Amazon sends me open, broken, defective, and/or outright used items all the time these days. So I have a lot of returns, and if I get two in a row, I take a refund instead because their whole inventory of that item is probably too polluted to get a new one. If only there were any other ways to get some things, I’d quit buying from them, but with the lack of small specialty stores, even in cities, it’s so hard to find so many things in physical stores anymore, and smaller online stores can’t compete, especially for items that need to be tried a lot to find the right size or type.

  • Fascism needs you to fear the “others”. Health and money are the two biggest problems in people’s lives right now so making the “others” look like they’re coming after those things you already are very close to losing is an easy way to scare people. So taxes, vaccines, etc., are big targets. And as a bonus, they then get to take those things from the people instead; and people willingly hand them to them…for safe keeping or something…I don’t know…

  • Problem with that is the Supreme Court has eliminated the impact of precedent by reversing many decisions including Roe v Wade that were based on it. So without a federal law in place, the doctors would still face years of expensive court proceedings before getting a federal appeals trial and the inability to work due to loss of state medical license until their particular case was settled. So that’s not much to assure doctors. Really most of the obstetricians will just leave those states. I hate that idea and it will likely take decades to replenish the workforce if the states were to reverse course or a federal law were to ever make its way through Congress to clarify what’s legal.

  • Yeah, not the best service though, if the customer now has to wait for another cab. It will end up like how often I get opened, likely returned items from Amazon a lot these days because they just put returns back in the pile even if they were returned for defects or were returned after opening/use.

    They don’t care to fix the problem and rely on enough people accepting the defective items eventually, because it’s too much trouble for them to return. But it’s a pain in the butt for someone who wants a new, non-defective item and has to return things all the time. I so often don’t get what I paid for the first time so with anything I order for a project, I always have to figure in double the time for it to arrive so I can get a replacement.

    So, I’d rather have a human driver monitoring it so that I get a clean cab the first time rather than having to budget the time for getting to my destination so a second cab can arrive in case the first is too unsanitary to handle.

  • That’s for normal activity and it’s totally irrelevant. So these are some stats about ionizing radiation dosages:

    • Average from all sources for an average person for 1 year: 4mSv
    • Additional if living within 50 miles of a nuclear reactor for 1 year: 0.09 µSv
    • Additional of living within 50 miles of a coal plant for 1 year: 0.3 µSv
    • Living within 30 km of Chernobyl before evacuation (10 days): 3-150 mSv
    • Maximum allowed dose for radiation workers over 1 year: 50mSv
    • 10 minutes next to the Chernobyl reactor after the meltdown: 50Sv
    • fatal lifetime dosage beyond our ability to treat: ~8Sv

    So, yes, nuclear power plants and storage pools are designed to shield radiation and thus during normal operation release an insignificant amount of radiation so much so that even coal burning releases a heck of a lot more.

    But both of those are extremely insignificant if you consider that living near a coal plant will only give you a tiny fraction of additional exposure as the amount of radiation you receive normally from natural sources.

    The problem is that with nuclear fission waste, a tiny leak can cause fatal amounts of exposure in a very short time. If a storage pool cracks after the 100 years or so they’re designed to last, or if a flood happens and overflows a storage pool, or a tornado picks up that storage water, or any number of other catastrophic events happen within the 10,000-1,000,000 years before that waste is safe, depending on the type, the people living nearby will likely not survive very long and that area will be contaminated for many times longer than human life has existed.

    Fukushima was a good example and had to rely on the vast Pacific ocean to disperse the radiation. Chernobyl will be unsafe for 10s of thousands of years even if the coffin is maintained for all that time.

  • But how does the company know that someone vomited? There aren’t smell sensors, and even if there are enough cameras to get a view of the floor, the tech for detecting spills and other issues is not really there yet. Unless you think a person is going to remotely inspect each vehicle between each ride. But that seems highly unlikely. If a company is not wanting to spend money on a driver, then they aren’t going to spend money on someone to watch the cameras at all times. The point is they don’t want to hire people at all. Just have computers that don’t have to take bathroom breaks or food breaks or have any downtime and can work in unpleasant conditions. Customer service is a big part of what drivers do, even if that doesn’t mean talking to the customers directly, just knowing how to make then comfortable, not just the driving. If it’s just the driving, then public transportation makes more sense to automate than individual cars.