• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022


  • Well that’s interesting: in order to define unmeasurable sets, you relied on the axiom of choice… I suppose it might be possible to define unmeasurable sets without AC, but maybe not!

    Every time I encounter the axiom of choice implying a bunch of crazy stuff, it always loop back to requiring AC. It’s like a bunch of evidence against AC!

    I find it interesting that the basic description of AC sounds very plausible, but I’m still convinced mathematicians might have made the wrong choice… (See what i did there? 😄)

  • Yeah, I’m really out of my element talking about these abstract mathematical topics… I’m too much of an empirical scientist it seems!

    Give me a set and I’ll find a way to measure it! …actually I’d like to know what’s the mathematical definition of measurement, there’s probably a trick there… 🤔

  • “doing your chores” is a sedentary live problem where people stay at the same place long enough that their traces are not erased naturally.

    ADHD is the perfect mindset for a nomadic society. Stay to long at the same place (and risk ravaging its ressources)? No problem, you’ll get bored before that happens and seek a new place!

    Sedantarity and land owning is a problem to nomadic people everywhere 😁 Of course this is no longer valid in an overcrowded world like ours.