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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Taiwan is a natural fortress as well. Even if the mainland invaded the guerilla fighting in the mountains would be a new Afghanistan for the occupying force.

    All for the political victory of “we did it!”

    Taiwan has few natural resources that China doesn’t already have. They mostly have high tech industry… Which would be annihilated by an invasion. No way chip fabs survive: either they get bombed while softening up a landing or they get sabotaged as a spoiling action.

  • I was definitely in a similar position but at a younger age. So I’m not sure how applicable my experience is to you at 40+

    For me what helped most was 3fold:

    1. Bupropion. I can’t state how much this antidepressant/ADHD combo medicine helped me chill out, function, and relax about social situations.

    2. A major cognitive shift from “I must make friends” to “I’m totally happy alone, friends just make things better”

    3. Learning to always assume the best. People aren’t out to get me, nor do they hate me. They’re generally busy, almost certainly have a small clique of friends they like to spend time with, and I’m not in that group. And that’s totally fine.

    It took from age 23 until 26 for me to get that all straight in my head. I spent almost a year of that pulling back from all social responsibilities and taking time to be alone and heal.

    Reading through your comments here reminds me of myself before that process and I’ll give you the same advice that a dear friend gave me - you need to go talk to a psychiatrist. Your mental state is unhealthy.

    You don’t heal a broken leg by walking on it. You shouldn’t try to heal a broken mind by force of will. Medication is a modern wonder, and I’d seek it out every time in your position.

  • Interact with them just the same as before. they’re still friendly people, they’re just friendly people who didn’t come to an optional social event.

    How many optional social events do you say no to? Personally I will decline dozens of invites to do things every year for various reasons including: nah I don’t feel like it.

    It’s not that I don’t like the people doing the inviting: it’s that I have a limited social battery, limited free time and a lot of things I want to do.

    And in the meantime: become even closer with the 5 who showed.

  • Oh I’m 1000% in agreement with you. I think Copilot for programming is more expensive than it’s worth right now, both for my employer and for Microsoft.

    OpenAI et al have done nothing to address the fundamental issue of hallucinations. In code hallucinations are pretty quickly evident: your IDE immediately throws up error highlights whenever the code complete fucks up.

    The latest open AI model is to chain together a computational centipede to try and create reasoning structures out of stochastic processes. It takes longer and still doesn’t fix the issues. In their own demo video there are clear bugs with the “code” their 4o model writes.