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Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I am under no circumstances saying you can’t criticize art or say that the writing was bad or whatever you seem to think my position is.

    Writers can and do get fired for not doing the job they were hired for and rarely get to lead the creative process (and usually if they do they’re like, writer/director, or a big name). All I’m trying to say is that a worker can do a good job within the bounds they’re given and still have the result be terrible because the bounds were terrible.

  • You seem to be giving a LOT of agency to writers for the stories they tell. Some stories are going to be something writers worked hard on wanted to write, and in those cases ya they should be blamed for the resulting flaws, but many times they are constrained by the instructions they’re given.

    To go back to the metaphor, did the worker decide that the stuff you need goes out of your reach or are they putting it where they were told to?

  • “Just following orders” absolutely does excuse bad writing as long as it’s not harmful. I wouldn’t get mad at a writer of a thing a studio ruined just like I wouldn’t get mad at a grocery store worker for rearranging the shelves for the fifth week in a row. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t mean doing a stupid and pointless job makes them a bad person. If the writing is racist or whatever, sure, they’re complicit, but writers have to eat and it’s not morally wrong to write a boring script if that’s what your boss is asking you for.

  • I’m pretty sure it’s dysmorphia rather than dysphoria. Dysphoria is rooted in an accurate picture of yourself and dysmorphia in an inaccurate one. If a guy starts going to the gym because the idea of not being able to bridal carry his girlfriend makes him feel unmanly, I’d agree that’s some flavor of gender dysphoria. On the other hand, someone like the liver king thinking he still doesn’t have enough muscle is definitely body dysmorphia.

    But I’d agree that (similar to dysphoria) the so-called alphas often have dysmorphia of more than just the body - they worry they come across unmanly in all ways of their presentation, regardless of how much “masculine energy” they’re already putting out.

  • The point is never that we need more democrats. The point is always that we need fewer Republicans. Democrats refuse to make things better, but they typically block things from getting worse, which is a better starting point than anything the GOP would give us.

    So please, organize, protest, do whatever activism you can do, but on voting day take the little bit of time and effort to block Republicans from undoing all that hard work, even if it means voting strategically for a pile of shit.

    The left will always be fighting against the administration to some extent, and through voting we get to pick our enemy, and the dems are going to be an easier fight and on fewer fronts.

  • For sure, I’d take this style of storytelling over the handholding we get in many other shows any day. I just typically look for a show to exemplify its own strengths early on, which includes its ability to pay off things it’s built up.

    The best case for me is when a story weaves a smaller version of its larger arc within the first episode, giving us a taste of what the show is aiming for, be that twists and turns of intrigue, cathartic payoff of some tension it’s built up, or the solution to a mystery. Obviously it won’t hit as hard as later events will, but it proves that a show is capable of following through on its promises. (which helps spot shows like Lost, who keep promising and never deliver)

    And it can be fun to watch characters and try to figure out what their motivations are, but it would be nice to get a bit of something for any of our characters, even if it’s incomplete or even false, because as it is I feel a bit adrift in the story without anything to hold onto.

    But I’m still hopefully my issues with the show get resolved soon. I do want to trust Bones on this one, even though the premiere didn’t wow me.

  • Impeccable vibes on this one, but the story felt a bit jumbled and hard to follow. I’m all for show-don’t-tell, but I think it could have benefited from trimming down the number of unfamiliar elements to throw around, at least to start with. I couldn’t really get a read on any of the characters’ motivations or goals, either. It feels like the selling point is supposed to be “tokusatsu, but make it cyberpunk”, but I’ve got no personal attachment to either of those genres, so it didn’t do much for me.

    But it’s always good to see original anime, so I’ll give Bones some time to cook before I give up completely. Judging just from the premiere, though, I give it a 3/5

  • Normally I hate long premieres, but I think this absolutely would have benefited from a double-length episode; the pacing was solid, but the ending just felt very abrupt.

    So far the plot seems pretty generic, the twists are predictable, and our hero seems like a bit of an idiot (if you’re not paid well and not good at hunting and it’s not your dream or anything, why not just get a normal job where you probably won’t die??). On the other hand, the animation was really good and I loved the fight scenes.

    Ultimately I give the premiere a 3/5. I’ll give it another episode or two to get to its hook and see if I want to continue from there.