Barbershop quartet singer, weight-loser, philosophy student of life

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • A lot of the comments so far are trying to stay with the negative connotation to exploitation. You exploit your comfortable shoes to walk further each day. You exploit the microwave oven’s ability to more quickly warm your coffee than the stove.

    This is the same with discrimination. You choose the raspberry danish over the cheese danish. This is you practicing discrimination, and it’s fine.

    Any evil in it comes from abuse or impact to yourself with respect to others, that second definition of exploitation in the OP.

  • I use a credit card because our laws in the USA protect credit-card purchases better than they do debit-card and other electronic purchases.

    Although I use a credit card with revolving credit, I always pay the full balance each month. In this way, it acts as a debit card, but I get the benefits of a credit card. I have to remember to pay it on time, but I can set up autopay even for that.

    My credit union (a kind of non-profit bank owned by its members) is the issuer of the card, and it gives a 2% cash award for credit-card usage.

  • I’m keeping to my policy of only subscribing to two things at one time, and rotating so that I get to see the seasons of the things that I really want to see.

    I’ve never been much of a pirate, mainly because I do believe in supporting those that produce the art that I love. That said, I am a big user of the library. And when there’s some FOSS product that I like, I support it. And while I could and can buy commercially now, I remember the days when I couldn’t and I survived on FOSS and the library.

    With that said, let me say that I think that the content industry shoots itself in the foot when it creates these higher prices, obscene length of copyright terms, polluting their own products with commercial ads ,and fake scarcity. They deserve all the piracy that their own behavior generates!

    I think Mike Masnick has it right. The best defense against piracy is to compete against it with superior offerings.

  • This is too severe and unhealthy.

    Your body is burning not just fat tissue, but lean tissue as well, and likely so fast that it can’t replace it fast enough to keep up. Even with 5000 Fridays, you’re taking in 8000 a week which is less than 1200 a day, less than some old short inactive grandma would use to lose a few extra pounds (not from 270).

    Weight loss puts increased demands upon the body. Gallstones, malnutrition, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalances can happen when those demands exceed the body’s capability to cope with them. More minor side-effects include hair and nail problems, irregular female menstrual cycles, constipation, dizziness, fatigue, and headaches.

    I just saw your post. Wanted to say hi. I lost from 298 and also lost pretty fast, but didn’t need to go all that severely. I also had a few goal-weight adjustments but I’ve kept it off basically for 8 years now (170s now, at 5’11 male).