“you thought you did something there, didn’t you?”

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • oh aren’t you a treat. For a second I almost had you mistaken for one the few Moskal typewriter monkeys who remembered to bring a joke book, but now I’m beginning to worry that you’re own of my those fellow constituents of ours who’s succumbed to the brain rot.

    At least we won’t have to worry about you voting for a few more years, judging by the way you act kiddo. Or perhaps you are old enough, but the polling place is too sus for your precious intellect.

    Word of advice though, if you’d want any hopes of being employable or perhaps even making IRL friends, ditch whatever this is you think you’re doing with your attitude, it just ain’t working in your favor. While you’re at it, might also help to learn the definition of the word “untenable”-- if you need a visual example, any mirror should do the trick.

    Anyway, maybe put down the smartphone and walk a natural trail or visit the library bud. Based on your comments, you owe it to yourself badly. I mean, if you fancy yourself a socialist then why aren’t you taking advantage of the freely available public recreational services that our tax dollars fund to live a better life? Everyone else is, and it makes dealing with this late stage capitalist hellscape just a bit more tolerable.

  • Elon founded SpaceX in 2002. He said he wanted to build reusable, cost effective space platform where rocket boosters could land themselves and be refurbished with low turn-around times to fly multiple missions.

    People laughed at the idea of a rocket that could land itself upright. And after countless tests that resulted in magnificent fiery failures and flops, a private American company is now responsible for launching crew and cargo to the ISS so we don’t have to rely on Russia or ELA alone, and has more recently gone on to develop the largest rocket ever made.

    In the 22 years since it’s inception, SpaceX has designed it’s own:

    • Rockets
    • Engines
    • Rocket Propellant
    • Satellites and base stations
    • Bespoke robust communications network
    • Ground support structure (including a moving robotic tower named “Mechanical”)
    • Crewed mission vehicle platform
    • The world’s biggest fucking rocket

    Say whatever you want about his beliefs, his opinions, his shit takes-- point me to another company that has done even half of that in that amount of time, or had nearly as monumental of an impact on the global space industry and America’s access to space in the last two decades.

    And if y’all haven’t yet already, do yourselves a favor and look up NASASpaceflight on YouTube, watch their most viewed videos, which should be some of the SpaceX tests. You’ll come to understand why shit blowing up is normal and a good thing with SpaceX: because they prototype and develop iteratively and rapidly, intentionally testing to failure so they know exactly how far from failure their nominal conditions would be. If they did not do this, the platform would not be safe and they would be getting fucked by a camel wearing another camel’s skin for kicks.

  • You’re remembering correctly, every other logic gate can be built from NAND gates, which is the foundation of this sort of minimal-instruction-set exercise. Beyond that, you need to be able to move data and change your program counter (jump, often conditionally). Then, if you want parity with modern instruction sets beyond just being turning complete, you need return and interrupt for control flow.

  • Gabe has said multiple times he would never sell Valve to Microshaft.

    Every time I see these “rumors” I can’t help but think that they are a malicious tactic by Microshaft to try and influence their more longshot buyout offers-- Microshaft really really wants Valve, this has been known for at least a decade. And some overzealous young execs are foolishly ready to try and pressure Valve with these bullshit tactics, completely unaware of what dangerous game they are playing legally.

    I have no doubt in my mind Valve will never be sold to Microshaft or come anywhere close to it so long as Gabe or his confidants are at the helm. They are ex-Microsoft employees. They built Windows 3.0. They know it’s inner workings and failings very intimately and they only begrudgingly tolerate Windows because it’s the dominant market share. That’s the whole reason SteamOS and Steam Deck exist, to chip away at Microsoft’s attempts to monopolize PC gaming. And that’s exactly why Microsoft is hoarding IP and restricting their most prestigious titles, like Halo, to Windows through anticheat.

    Whoever is starting these rumors are either pathetically stupid and attention hungry or are spreading misinformation in a hail mary at the behest of Microshaft.

  • Bookmarking your comment so I can come back to it in a couple hours, if I hopefully remember to.

    But yes, almost. I don’t think the interrupt is necessary and the return isn’t under certain architectures. I have a doc on my computer somewhere where I was investigating what the absolute minimum was to make a turning complete machine and, to my recollection, there was only 4-6 instructions that were absolutely necessary. The ones I remember off the top of my head are NAND, MOV, JUMPIF, and then I believe I included NOP in accordance with some principle. RET and INT were convenience features in this design.