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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Sr-iov works already though? That’s not needed for this. The motherboard presents the pci bus to the guest regardless of what’s plugged in. Works fine.

    This is when you want many guests to have shared graphics by partitioning a gpu. So the host still retains it and presents the graphics card to guests. You need to partition the ram up equally though, so useful only in VDI generally where you want a RTX A6000 like card to split to 10 guests each with 8gb of ram, and they share the gpu, but keep their individual video ram. Economy of scale can work out in graphics or maybe ML situations. Not so useful at home since you’ll probably have a Rtx 3080 with like 10-12gb of ram, and at most you wouldn’t want to split it below 8gb for modern games and partitions need to be equally sized. For 10g two = 2x5gb which would be a poor experience probably. Lots of frame stutters as it switches stuff between ram to video ram.

    Hope that helps. Unless this technology unlocks better partitions it’s more about opening to vdi and machine learning in a full open source context like proxmox rather than just the driver being locked behind hyperv vmware and citrix hypervisor/xen and a big yearly license. Maybe it still needs that yearly license.

  • This is possible now, but in xen or vmware you need to buy a nvidia license to unlock this feature. You can trial it for a minute in a lab but you can’t give 4 guests each 2gb of vram on your graphics card without Nvidia specialist proprietary driver on both the host and the guest.

    For vdi where you can buy 48gb rtx a6000 graphics cards, with architects (for example) each user getting each about 8gb each, you can 10 guests concurrently per card. Which at a few hundred architects scales better than buying many $5000 dollar workstations that struggle with WFH.

    For a home user, maybe being able to split for your two kids on a standard rtx 3070 with what like 8gb might be OK? Probably not though.

    Right now I have a hacky way that isn’t really supported in nvidia to split graphics cards to two guest vms but it’s neither license compatible or what I’d call “production ready”. I’d like proxmox to be able to handle this out of the box because it’s already in the kernel.

    I’ve no idea what this means with licensing though. The yearly license cost to allow you to use your driver is actually stupidly expensive. The Rtx A series cards are already dumb money.

    Either way it’s a good thing, but probably not much news for the average enthusiast

  • The root cause of this issue that they identify, is 100% the kind of AI that they’ll build for this situation.

    Old mate wants to use it to keep people on their best behaviour. The kind of subjective wording that whatever he doesn’t like, is the exact reason people lie in court.

    Power to that thought process through systemising it, legitimising it, is exactly part of the problem.

    What’s that American who said lies about the eating cats then justifying it by saying “I’d lie if it got the American public to wake up”. Let me get the quote…


    If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.

    Yep. It’s not infallible, it’s intentional. Intent goes into the creation of systems and implementations. These are the kind of people that want these systems. They’re justified in their own minds.

    So to close the loop you linked that article and it’s point was:

    More than half of wrongful convictions can be traced to witnesses who lied

    Don’t give them reason for more ways to do so. Don’t give them legitimacy. That’s deterministic. It’s intent. It’s not failed if it worked. Your opinion on a system which is failed or fallible is not the same as the Oracle hocho who wants to be God.

    They’re not sharing your values, morals, ethics or compassion.

  • Bleeping computer was blocking my vpn but that also sounds common. Not only is there heaps of controls through conditional access policies where you can use device compliance policies and mass download defender for office 365 rules to detect these things, Microsoft also allow a bunch of ways to circumvent that through publishing enterprise apps and leave it to you not to lose your keys. I use one such app a lot called pnp powershell so my powershell can access basically everything and do anything so I can script largely migrations and audits of those migrations into sharepoint. While I do remove that app at the end of my projects, most people just move on.

    Of course pure speculation. It’s just not even hard to either footgun yourself, and fortinet have been known to be shooting themselves in the foot, even assuming they tried to put controls in, in the first place.

    I’ll read the actual article when I get home to see how impacted I will be though. As a customer, seller and with certifications. Not to mention, maybe there’s something for me to learn about the whole thing anyway.

  • They seem like fully conflicting ideals. Sometimes technology is not the answer. Sometimes non technical controls are.

    Besides, by the time the control for instagram is in, nobody will be using it under 30. My partner just told me “instagram really is our parents platform” while showing my mum’s friend started following her. My mum and her friend are both 70.

    Applying it further gives all kinds of bad vibes where platforms need to check your ID like a Brisbane night club, except these aren’t Australian businesses. Tiktok forced to comply, if they did, validating that you’re 18 via a digital license that the governnent authenticates Tiktok requested your details and now knows you went via link ‘clickforabortioncontrol.track.tiktok.com’ since they’ll need to reply back to that url ‘yeah they are 14+ bro’ before you get in.

    What a distopia.

    BTW I’ve got a link for you for how ID got complicated that I configure: https://stack-auth.com/blog/oauth-from-first-principles this explains how to securely without leaking or impersonation, authenticate a user from a central federated identity management (like an online ID would need).

    There are smart people, sure. But I’ll tell you it won’t be the first try, or the second that’s correct.

    Security is so complex that the smartest people often fail. Odds are stacked, privacy needs security. Failure in security results in privacy being lost.

    Anyway I’m in agreement that it’s a horrible world out there with real harm. But mandating less privacy is unlikely to result in a better place, in fact it’s almost guaranteed to be worse and create more harm.

  • https://johnmjennings.com/an-important-lesson-from-bullet-holes-in-planes/

    The responses needs to be contain representation at least equally to non Firefox people who no longer care to answer a poll about a product that they don’t use. Why? Only current users are going to answer the poll, not the people with the cuts and pain that forced them back to Chrome or safari. Asking survivors how to reinforce survival actually doesn’t solve for why do many people off board Firefox.

    Frankly you should ask people like my 60-70yo parents why chrome not Firefox. You’ll learn more from that than the corrected responses of people who loudly have preferences but at the end of the day would stay either way. My parents tried Firefox, but then left it. Although they only tried from insistence from their son.

    PS: I agree with the poll. I don’t want a chat bot either. If I did, I’d install a plugin that integrates once of my own choosing. Given the availability, privacy, and ease of lmstudio I’d rather leave it in its own place outside the browser and network. I don’t know how those like my parents feel about a bot that can probably answer their questions. I also doubt they care. Maybe it would help them ask questions they’re too embarrassed to ask friends and family for. Usually how to questions they’ve asked dozens of times. But that’s super dangerous.

  • Other then legacy and uefi does it have a CSM compatibility support mode? An option to enable usb initialisation before bios? Eg wait for usb initialisation?

    Some “boot faster” options kind of reorder boot initialisation to a point where it’s not holding the system back.

    Though I’m really running out of suggestions… I can imagine you’re pretty frustrated. I know my Dell laptop was a pain to get the right settings to get usb to boot and the stupid 100db beep to silent on boot interruption.