• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • simply copy-paste text from one local console to another

    Well, if you just have two windows going to two different terminals, whatever text you select in one you can just copy to the other usually with Ctrl+SHIFT+C and Ctrl+SHIFT+V, and my clipboard manager lets you do the same even for large amounts of text you can’t select. Therefore, all you’d need a specific setup for is if you want to do this action automatically with a single button press, like an Excel macro. I hope this helps! :)

  • It depends on what exactly you want to do, if you want just a hotkey that copies something in one window and pastes it in another, you’d have to set that up manually. But if you’re logged into two SSH sessions at once and you want to copy something from one session and paste it in another, you could do that here. And if you want some hotkey to access something like the clipboard history in a GUI, then you’d need to set up in your window manager. Some users accomplish this through a combination of jq + dmenu (jq to process JSON output, dmenu to select an entry), so it’s entirely do-able. For example, here is one such command: cb cp "$(cb hs | jq -r '.[].content | if type=="array" then .[].path else if type=="object" then .path else . end end' | dmenu)"