• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • When the agency originally proposed tougher emissions limits, Denka had a longer timeframe to comply. But the EPA sued the company last year, finding the facility posed an “imminent and substantial endangerment” to the nearby community. […] The company wants the EPA’s 90-day deadline put on hold and says the agency won’t consider lengthening that timeline until Denka sets out an emissions reduction plan, according to the filing.“ […] (Denka) will need at least two years to plan, develop, test and install the controls required by the rule,” the company said in a court filing.

    The EPA has been working on this rule since Biden took office. You knew it was coming, you just hoped there would be a change of administration before you had to comply with the ruling (so you wouldn’t have to comply at all, which is also what you’re hoping for with your current delay tactics). Sucks to be you - your lack of planning does not constitute my emergency, etc …

  • I went to a party that lasted all weekend. We weren’t drinking or anything else, so I want to emphasize I did all this to myself, completely sober:

    We were tossing lightsticks back and forth in the dark; I was barefoot. I leaped up to catch a lightstick; when I came down, my right foot landed fully on some kind of spiny, prickly, thorny plant, and I got a bunch of the pointy spiny bits embedded into the sole of my foot. This was particularly ironic, as I had made a point of pointing out the plant to everyone else earlier and telling them to avoid it.

    The toilet backed up and I had to clear it with a plunger that had a broken handle. I cleared the toilet, and also managed to flay about a fifth of the skin off the palm of my right hand.

    I slipped on the stairs and wrenched my back pretty badly. The dog ran underfoot and I sprained my left ankle. Something else happened, I don’t even remember what, and I injured my right hip.

    The worst part was that I had driven myself and a group of friends to this party, which meant I had to be the one who drove us back: my car had a manual transmission and no one else knew how to drive stick. So envision this:

    My right foot, with the spikes still in it, was used for the gas and the brake. My left foot, with the sprained ankle, had to delicately balance the clutch as we drove up and down these narrow back hills. There was no way to balance my weight on my injured right hip, so every movement on the gas or clutch put some torque on the hip - as well as twisting my injured back. And I had to shift with my right hand wrapped like a mummy’s, but the shifting pressure was still on the part of my hand with the flap of skin. And the roads just kept jostling every single injury I had.

    It was an incredibly, insanely painful drive home. And it was still one of the best parties I’ve ever been to.

  • I like the idea, but there doesn’t seem a way for a pod to temporarily move into the other track, which raises questions. Like, how do they handle rebalancing the pods? Ideally, you want a free one at each station for the next person who comes along, but if you come into a station with pods already there, do you have to get out and move to the first pod? Or when you leave your station, do all the pods on the line automatically move one station up the line, making a new pod available for the next person and leaving you a smooth trip to your destination (but limiting energy savings)? Do the pods have to cycle all the way to the end of the line to turn around (again, energy inefficient if most of the traffic is between a lesser number of stations)?

    I like the idea, I really do! I’m just curious how they handle balancing availability and traffic.

  • My brother-in-law always “hated olives”, and then he came over for a party where we had set up an olive bar, which he vehemently and repeatedly declined. But we were hanging around afterward and, as you do when you’re not really thinking and there’s food hanging around, he absently ate one. He then made his way down the entire bar - I think we had like 20 different types (some were stuffed). Now he gets pouty if we have a party and there aren’t any olives, lol!