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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The problem is that’s literally just money laundering?

    They are using a shell corporation and bullshit liscencing fee to cover over the fact that this transaction is and should be illegal.

    Like, the idea here is that the church is not allowed to donate to a political figure, so they’ve set up a shell corp in the middle. The church pays $60 to the shell corp, who sends back 30 cents worth of paper, and then passes on 59.70 to Trump as a “licencing fee”, which is obviously just going to be spent on his campaign.

  • This is the thing I’ll never understand about the modern streaming industry’s focus on watchtime and second-screen content.

    Like, guys, spending your budget on a thing I am actively NOT engaged with as a consumer is not going to help your brand. Y’all got big on prestige TV, and the kind of shows where I go “Oh this looks really good, gonna make sure it’s on my watchlist”. That way I’m never gonna unsub as long as I have a watchlist, the actual hours spent on platform doesn’t matter.

  • I think the question is more about, “Why is it that a jet pushing a wing horizontally such that the wing deflects air downwards is so much more efficient than cutting out the middleman and simply having the jet push downwards.”, because it seems at first like the wing is magically creating energy out of nowhere.

    The answer might be easier to understand in terms of leverage. A wing acts kindof like a lever, it converts a small amount of force applied at one point & direction (drag), into a larger amount of force in a different point&direction (lift).

    The wing, because it is wide, is able to gently redirect a LOT of air downwards at a low speed. In this way, a small amount of fast air (high energy, low momentum) is able to cause a large amount of slow air (slightly lower energy, much higher momentum) to move.

  • That and market share. Between 2007 and now, a website could reliably grow as new people got connected to the internet and as internet usage naturally grew. Up till recently, a large proportion of people either didn’t use the internet at all, or had the internet, but didn’t use much. Prior to 2020 I knew lots of friends and family who simply did not own a home computer or maybe had like one laptop for the whole family (and a bunch of phones).

    During that era, the attention was all on getting new users in the door. Make a good, cheap/free product, and people will come.

    But NOW, most people already are using the internet like 14+ hours a day and have become full netizens. If companies want to keep growing, they can’t rely on new blood, they need to pivot to harvesting more from the people they already have.

  • A cow can pasture on marginal soils that are not well suited to other crops. While I agree that the vast majority of current meat production and especially feedlots and other Concentrated Animal Feed Operations ard a large waste of resources, there is SOME space for meat production, and it CAN be better to have a small baseline amount of pastured meat than to eat exclusively vegan.