Aint no way he has the FreeBSD android theme
Aint no way he has the FreeBSD android theme
Threee mile island was only a partial meltdown, and very little fission product was ever released to the environment. Nowhere near as blatant and drastic of a failure as what happened in Chernobyl.
Recount time?
If America hadn’t responded to Chernobyl with fear of atomic power and instead adopted a “this is why communism will fail, look how much better we can do it” attitude, the climate crisis would be a non-issue right now
Unless there’s nuclear war, there’s no such thing as the point of no return. Just a further slide into more egregious civil rights violations. Eventually it will get better, hopefully through democratic means and not violent ones.
Hey now, they’re happy to decentralize the feed management so they don’t have to worry about processing user’s custom feeds themselves!
Not necessarily. If it’s after the electoral votes are cast, then yes, definitely.
But the electors are bound by different rules, set by their respective states, on how they would vote if Trump died before then.
Hyundai is listening to what consumers want much more readily than other manufacturers, and their body designs strike an incredible balance between modern familiarity and retrofuturism. It’s almost exactly what I want from a new vehicle, other than the fact that they use all the same forced telemetry that other brands are using.
They’re also offering a great spread of electric AND hybrid vehicles to satisfy consumers worried about charger availability as well as consumers worried about the impact of gasoline-powered vehicles.
I won’t be surprised if they continue to increase their market share for a long time to come. If only privacy concerns were as common among the broader population as they seem to be here in the Fediverse, then maybe they might address those issues as well and be a no-brainer purchase.
However, the economy being good is not often actually good for the customer. It’s just a slowing down of things getting worse.
Another reason why domain registrars should be restricting these kinds of sites to their own category of tld
And the slim but heavily armed majority of this country will definitely see that as legally justified self defense and have no choice but to accept it peacefully! Right?
I guess the USSR and USA had mutually assured destruction by means other than nuclear
Sorry, I mean for users respecting the boycott to choose to simultaneously not give NYT any ad money while also causing load on the games servers.
Don’t take this as advice to ignore the picketers, this is a genuine question because I don’t understand.
Wouldn’t it be more effective to have MORE people do the games today, and for them to disable ads and trackers when they do? Put strain on the services while the workers are on strike, highlighting the need for them.
Malware just means “Software the user doesn’t want on their system”. Bloatware counts as malware.
Two wrongs may not make a right, but a negative times a negative sure does equal a positive
Technically assembly is a human-readable, paper-thin abstraction of the machine code. It really only implements one additional feature over raw machine code and that’s labels, which prevents you from having to rewrite jump and goto instructions EVERY TIME you refactor upstream code to have a different number of instructions.
So not strictly the bunch of bits. But very close to it.
If you’re writing sloppy C code your assembly code probably won’t work either
No theoretical physical models have made any testable predictions that include an anti-gravitational effect