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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024


  • People have this problem where they subscribe to Us versus Them thinking. They dehumanize certain groups of people and see them as something less than human, and therefore they don’t care if they are harmed. Militaries all over the globe do this to train their armies to kill without discrimination.

    We see it in the USA all the time with the two party political system. I think if the extremist liberals and extremist conservatives had to share a room, it would turn into a blood bath before any common ground could be found. It’s disappointing and disturbing to me that people can’t seem to act in a civil manner. People get tunnel vision and lose sight of the fact that we all have to share this planet and we have to compromise on a lot of things. Seems like most people don’t want to compromise anymore, they want to destroy the opposing side instead and rule the world. That’s so delusional I can’t even…

  • There are barriers to weight loss and weight management. Many metabolic conditions prevent the body from burning its own fat stores. Delving into how insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome work in the obese body helps bring more understanding to the issue. With that being said, it’s still our responsibility to manage our weight by any healthy means necessary because obesity is objectively a driver of many bad health conditions that you really don’t want to experience first hand.

    If a person is obese and type 2 diabetic or has other metabolic syndrome symptoms, often the best course of action is to use intermittent fasting with a ketogenic diet focused around whole foods to correct weight. It also ameliorates fatty liver disease which is often concurrent with obesity. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7132133/) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9919384/)

    Overnutrition is extremely, extremely easy to do. Food cravings can destroy a diet in a second, but what I’ve come to find out is that when you stick to keto and IF, the food cravings disappear. I guess all of this makes me fatphobic and ignorant of “medical science” because I support healthy weight management. I’m really not sure what the actual argument is here. It was more of a statement. But anyway, being obese is not wrong, it’s just not healthy. It will make the person very sick and immobile as the years go by.